EBF urges restraint on remuneration regulation to protect EU competition
An EBF report calls on EU governments to hold back on punitive reforms to banking bonuses because they may threaten the competitiveness of EU financial centres
Liberal Democrats plan unilateral approach to bank pay reform
Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has committed his party to punitive unilateral bank bonus regulations in the UK election race.
Bonuses fail to match expectations
Bonus speculation is now over as the banks pay out, with the exception of Royal Bank of Scotland, which will not pay bonuses until June.
FSB peer review report says jury still out on compensation structures
The G-20 FSB says financial pay structures are still evolving globally but that progress is good
Where's your motivation?
Discussion about incentives to promote good risk management is increasingly gaining relevance for Basel II advanced measurement approach applicants, as well as for banks adopting the standardised approach
City operational risk exec salaries rising
Demand for operational risk management experience is pushing up salaries.
US Fed working on horizontal reviews of op risk issues
Supervisor looking at range of issues as part of broader look at big banks, including compensation, compliance, and capital
Remuneration: it's payback time
Disgruntled taxpayers and their political representatives are set on revenge, making bankers pay for their mistakes through compensation taxes and restrictions. But a more constructive approach will be needed to sustainably reform such a complex and…
Paying by the rules
As the US Treasury’s special master for executive compensation, Kenneth Feinberg has the task of overseeing pay for the top 100 employees at firms receiving exceptional government aid. In an exclusive interview, he discusses progress on pay reform,…
Questioning the compensation carrot
Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic have demanded that bank compensation packages are adjusted for risk. A variety of proposals have been released by individual supervisors, but they are simpler – and in some cases, more draconian – than many were…
Dutch banks take a new look at risk
Dutch banks were considered to be among the best and safest in the world, but now they are reducing their global presence and concentrating primarily on their home market. Boris Agranovich looks at what went wrong and at the local risk management…
Solvency abuse
Giovanni Cucinotta, head of research at Italian insurance regulator Isvap, talks to Alexander Campbell