Hedge funds take collateral management to heart
Protecting collateral
AIFM directive changes relationships for prime brokers
Coming into force in July, the AIFM directive will likely to curb the freedom for prime brokers to reuse assets pledged by hedge funds for collateral, resulting in higher fees for services including leverage, says Patrick Colle, general manager of Paris…
Custody Risk March 2013
Editor's comment - solving systemic risk in harmony
New standard CSA could be hurt by WGMR rules
Some dealers have started trading under the standard credit support annex, but a requirement in new uncleared margin rules could subject many trades to a haircut, potentially causing a re-think. By Matt Cameron and Nick Sawyer
Combating the collateral crunch
Sponsored statement: BNY Mellon
New York Fed demands better management of FX risks
Greater use of capital and collateral to mitigate all risks relating to foreign exchange trading is crucial, warns head of financial market infrastructure at the New York Fed
South Africa's securities lenders seek collateral clarity
Security in lending?
Special report: Collateral
The changing regulatory climate has transformed collateral management from a necessary if unglamorous part of the back office to a fundamental strand of firms’ risk management requirements
Central clearing obligations cause collateral headaches in Asia
Collateral thinking
Collateral and commodity market dynamics in the new normal
The new normal
OIS discounting dilemma for the buy-side
Discounting dilemma
‘Near-final’ margin rules to be issued within days, says Iosco chief
Secretary general of Iosco confirms that further work is needed to assess the economic impact of margin requirements for uncleared derivatives
DOL paves way for US pension funds to clear swaps
FCMs and pension funds welcome long-awaited Department of Labour advisory opinion
Thailand backs cash equity CCP linkage model
Proposal for CCPs to act as clearing members for each other receives backing of Thai regulator
Effectiveness of new collateral forum questioned
Euroclear questions whether a new liquidity forum that brings together five central securities depositories will be anything other than a talking shop
Danish and Latvian debt offices move to two-way CSAs
Cheaper swaps prices have convinced two more DMOs to sign collateral agreements
European swap margin rules won’t be retroactive, says Esma
Trades will not become subject to initial margin rules part-way through their life, rule-making body tells Risk
Asian covered bond market set to take off
Running for covered
Northern Trust to shadow BNY Mellon at Bridgewater
Northern Trust appointed to replicate middle- and back-office functions of existing administrator BNY Mellon at $140bn hedge fund
Banque de France’s Denis Beau on cyber attack, Libor and system stability
Forewarned is forearmed
Central clearing: what obstacles remain for Asia?
Despite the deadline for introducing central clearing already passing, a number of questions are unanswered. Leading figures from around the region voice their concerns
Lack of clarity over clearing provides problems for Asia banks
The deadline set by the G-20 to clear all standardised OTC derivatives has passed but a lack of regulatory clarity over the shape of reform is hampering banks in the region
Collateral clawback fears leave US pension funds unable to clear
Banks and pension plans are waiting for the US Department of Labor to clarify whether initial margin counts as plan assets
Custody Risk Winter 2012/2013
Welcome to the 2012/2013 winter issue of Custody Risk