Climate change

Video: Q&A with Benedikt von Butler, Citigroup

Benedikt von Butler of Citigroup discusses how market participants in the central and eastern European markets can ensure they are fully prepared for the risk of new climate change legislation and manage their carbon risk accordingly

Oil majors go solo with emissions campaign

BP and ConocoPhillips will not renew their respective memberships of the US Climate Action Partnership (USCAP), announcing separate plans to engage policymakers as individual organisations.

Carbon regulation block unlikely to get past President

A congressional move to prevent US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation of carbon emissions is unlikely to get past President Barack Obama, but the bipartisan protest indicates legislators want extra time to formulate their own climate change…

US cap-and-trade offsets clouded by uncertainty

As US firms await climate change legislation, it looks inevitable that heavy emitters will need to invest in carbon offset projects – some of them overseas – in order to meet targets. However, the outlook for offsets is clouded by regulatory uncertainty…

Environmental exploitation

Recessions usually spell bad news for the environment. Promises of investment in clean energy and sustainable technology wither away as mediocre returns drive investors to count the cost of easing their conscience. But as pension funds and governments…

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