To be resolved: the FDIC and the future of bank failure
Will Jelena McWilliams finally nail down the FDIC’s role as a resolution authority?
Bail-in bond issuance set to climb this year – EBA
Regulatory uncertainty fading as constraint on MREL placements
Replacing too big to fail with too small to survive
Subordinated debt requirement will hit smaller banks hardest
EU Council aims to limit bail-in debt rules
Leaked BRRD text reveals all Greek and Portuguese banks could escape subordinated debt regime
French banks add €1.4 billion to Single Resolution Fund
Contributions to the SRF jump 25% on average
Bridge to nowhere: gaps in Treasury G-Sib bankruptcy plan
US bankruptcy-first approach needs more thought on emergency liquidity, say experts
Central counterparty resolution: an unresolved problem
This paper describes the current policy for recovery and resolution of CCPs and assesses the tool kit for resolution of them.
Curing the eurozone: how to fix the ESM
Bailout fund should guarantee all EU government debts but charge a protection fee, writes Marcello Minenna
US Treasury hands CCP resolution powers to FDIC
Mnuchin regulatory review explicitly refers to FDIC as receiver under a Title II resolution
No safety net: EU urged to accelerate bail-in buffers
Without MREL or TLAC, governments are at mercy of private buyers for failed banks
Public interest loophole casts doubt on EU banking union
Bondholders face fresh uncertainty about European use of bail-in, critics warn
Clashing bank resolution plans threaten to stall US reforms
Supporters of bankruptcy act want it separated from repeal of Dodd-Frank Title II
Australia’s bank levy could squeeze TLAC drive
Issuing Tier 2 and senior unsecured debt will become more expensive for the top four banks in the country
Bail-in ambiguity hands funding advantage to Japanese G-Sibs
Financial Stability Board wants Japan to clarify the conditions under which it can use its resolution powers
Why EU banks still refuse to die
A year on since BRRD came into force, the debate on taxpayer bailouts is far from resolved
National authorities rebel against BRRD state aid limits
EU single resolution board will “never have any work to do”, lawyers predict
EBA's Enria seeks to plug the holes in EU bail-in rules
Struggling but solvent banks could delay the hit from NPLs under the plan
Trump casts a shadow over US swap stays legislation
Changes to agency heads could delay or derail a vital part of bank resolution rules
Bailouts more likely in unequal democracies, research finds
Accountable governments face pressure to preserve banks
Network theory takes root in post-crisis financial markets
Developments since 2008 open up exciting possibilities, says Kimmo Soramäki
Too-big-to-fail problem solved, claim leading industry figures
FDIC's single-point-of-entry method applauded but concerns still linger
New EU state aid guidance may force insurers to adjust capital structure
Lawyers split on whether subordinated debt will be made convertible by law
Plosser warns US regulations could cause unnecessary bail-outs
Philadelphia Fed president says existing efforts to end too-big-to-fail may ‘come up short' and advocates a more rules-based approach; criticises Basel III risk weights