Disaster recovery best practices unveiled
Raiffeisenbanken und Volksbanken Lebensversicherung (R+V)
Practitioner Profile
The multi-period explosion
Technology: Asset-Liability Management
Credit model rethink
Synthetic credit
Playing catch-up
Automated settlement
The CDO detectives
Cover Story
Deutsche's Beeston will head Creditex spinoff
T-Zero, a newly launched company spun-off from Creditex to improve credit derivatives processing, has named Mark Beeston as its first president.
Icap will use DTCC to process credit derivatives
UK inter-dealer broker Icap will use the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) for post-trade processing of credit default product transactions from September.
Webcast >> Op Risk Technology
OPERATIONAL RISK gathered together top technology executives in June to debate the future of the op risk discipline.
MiFID: the race to comply
The EU's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive has been described as one of the most far-reaching overhauls of the financial industry ever. But with Basel II dominating the headlines, few firms have yet started to prepare in earnest for the 2007…
New op risk papers
LONDON – A raft of new technical papers on operational risk have been made available on the web over the past few months. A few of the most interesting are summarised below:
M&As spark op risk software shuffle
LONDON AND NEW YORK – Mergers and acquisitions are hotting up again in the op risk software industry. Two acquisition announcements in June have set tongues wagging on both sides of the Atlantic about who the next targets will be, and which potential…
In pole position
Belgian power exchange to launch early 2006
The Belgian day-ahead electricity market is due to start in early 2006 on the Belgian power exchange (Belpex) in a link-up with Dutch power exchange APX and French energy exchange Powernext. This is the first time three power exchanges will be linked…
Struggling for growth
All three Canadian energy exchanges – NGX, Watt-Ex and NetThruPut – are finding it slow-going with their expansion plans. Meanwhile the rivalry between NGX and Watt-Ex is growing. Joe Marsh reports
Shell picks ZaiNet for carbon trading
Shell Energy Trading has licensed the ZaiNet emissions trading software, produced by SunGard, to manage its global carbon dioxide portfolio.
The 24-hour hedge fund
special report: asia
A tale of two cultures… India or China?
china vs india