EC issues remuneration principles for risk takers
Daily news headlines
SunGard launches Aligne
Pennsylvania-based software firm SunGard has introduced a software solution suite to help energy companies improve and speed up decision making through streamlining and integrating information across different business operations.
Pandemic risk: UK expects swine flu cases
Daily news headlines
PPIP participants possibly exempt from compensation limits
Asset managers that participate in the Public Private Investment Program (PPIP) with the US Treasury will probably be exempt from executive compensation limits imposed on private entities that have accepted government bail-out funds, Treasury secretary…
Stopping the rot
Noises from leading banks that they may be returning to profitability are failing to mask the painful truth that vast quantities of toxic assets are still causing a stink on banks' balance sheets. Credit looks at the various plans being put forward to…
G20 fires starting gun on global systemic risk regime
A declaration by the Group of 20 leading economies (G20) fleshed out plans for a global regime of systemic risk regulation, “covering regulated banks, shadow banks and private pools of capital to limit the build-up of systemic risk”.
Navigating through markets is challenging: costs and benefits of best execution
Continuous improvements in electronic trading systems mean investors are addressing the important trading issues faced by hedge fund managers and are increasingly concerned about execution quality. Hedge Funds Review examines the costs and benefits of…
Urgency and uncertainty
The Basel Committee published further clarification on its proposal for a new incremental risk charge in January. What challenges does this pose from a systems perspective, and how are banks and technology vendors responding? By Clive Davidson
Mashups take root
The financial crisis revealed many banks did not have a complete view of risk across all parts of their business. Could 'mashups' allow banks to bridge gaps by pulling together data from multiple sources? By Donna Haws
UK firms face greater business continuity risk
Daily news headlines
European utility CEOs aim for carbon-neutral power by 2050
Sixty European electricity company CEOs have handed over a declaration to EU energy commissioner Andris Piebalgs in which they pledge to supply carbon-neutral power by 2050.
G-20 ministers agree expansion of international financial organisations
Daily news headlines
IIF submits policy letter to G-20; launches MMG
Daily news headlines
World Bank predicts global recession and credit squeeze for poor countries
The world economy will shrink overall this year for the first time since the Second World War, the World Bank has predicted, adding that rich nations' stimulus programmes may leave poorer countries struggling for financing.
Agora-X launches OTC platform for energy and metals
Agora-X, an electronic trading platform, has launched a new platform for the negotiation, execution and clearing of over-the-counter (OTC) trades in energy and metal contracts.
UK's Darling proposes EU super-regulator for micro-prudential supervision
Daily news headlines
Technology drives fund administration
Hedge fund administration is fast becoming an information technology business. In order to meet industry demands for greater transparency and more frequent reporting, fund administrators are revisiting their operational platforms and investing in…
Dealers and regulators: Who will blink first?
High noon for CDS Clearing
Life crisis
Operational risk
Dead in the water?
Basel II
Plugging the gaps
The various post mortems into the causes of the financial crisis have highlighted weaknesses in bank risk management practices. In particular, many banks approached risk on a silo basis, with little attention given to firm-wide exposures. Are banks…