Risk systems
Covenants: crisis of confidence
Financial covenants that rely too heavily on ratios are just not sophisticated enough to predict the likelihood of default, argues Sarah Woo . Loan originators must learn a trick or two from their colleagues in portfolio management and develop…
The costly road to compliance
Regulatory Update
Covenants: crisis of confidence
loan origination
Cutting capital
Across the banking spectrum, new technology is being used to help financial institutions reduce their capital requirements, writes Clive Davidson.
The score for credit
Jorge Sobehart and Sean Keenan discuss the benefits and limitations of model performance measures for default and credit spread prediction, and highlight several common pitfalls in the model comparison found in the literature and vendor documentation. To…
Portable alpha and beta for long/short equity managers
Portable strategies
Portable alphaand beta forlong/shortequity manager
Portable strategies
Sophistication and integration
Performance and risk
Major op risk software providers grow at expense of smaller rivals
Sales of operational risk solutions seem to be on the rise, but it is established vendors who are seeing deals close. Many small or new software houses in the op risk space seem still to be experiencing a lull in sales.
The deal deluge
Rankings 2004
Back to the futures
Mark-it set to offer new services as seven banks buy equity stakes
UK credit data provider Mark-it Partners plans to offer a convertible bond pricing service by the end of March, to complement its credit default swap, cash bond and syndicated loan pricing services. The move comes as seven of the company’s main backers…
Op risk systems come to the fore
Operational risk came to the fore in 2003. Major software suppliers such as SunGard and SAS entered the market through partnerships with or acquisition of early entrant developers, while a number of established trading and risk management systems…
Brokers look toshow their worth
Brokers are increasingly looking to provide energy price data. The choice may be wider, but are energy firms getting the credible data and analysis they need for intelligent price forecasts? Joe Marsh reports
Bursting with energy
All platforms
Electronic trading: Profiles
Pricing credit risk
Merton models
Sponsor's article > When is best practice good enough?
A dramatic change in banking regulation has been the move from prescriptive procedures towards 'best practice' risk management. Disagreements about how quickly the new approach can be applied to credit risk is central to arguments about revising Basel II.
China - Meeting the competition
China's financial institutions have realised the need to apply best practice in managing risk, and have been implementing cutting-edge risk management systems. But there are challenges in obtaining reliable data, writes Clive Davidson.