Technical paper
Modelling pensioner longevity
Technical papers
Markovian projection for volatility calibration
Vladimir Piterbarg looks at the Markovian projection method, a way of obtaining closed-form approximations of European-style option prices on various underlyings that, in principle, is applicable to any (diffusive) model. The aim is to distil the essence…
Calibration of CDO tranches with the dynamical GPL model
Consistent calibration of a credit index and its tranches across maturities with a single arbitrage-free model is a difficult problem. Here, Damiano Brigo, Andrea Pallavicini and Roberto Torresetti show that a simple loss dynamics based on the…
Realised volatility and variance: options via swaps
Volatility Options
Purchase timing
Managing purchase timing risk is a constant issue for wholesale power buyers. Pavel Diko reviews products that reduce this risk, proposes a lookback option that can eliminate it completely and outlines a hedging strategy for the option writer
Equity risk at the horizon
Technical papers
The intrinsic currency-valuation framework
Cutting Edge: Foreign exchange
Credit risk contagion
In a recession, company defaults increase due to both the worsening economic environment and the specific links between customers and suppliers. Banks intuitively know that customer default can cause supplier default. Duncan Martin and Chris Marrison…
Markovian projection for volatility calibration
Vladimir Piterbarg looks at the 'Markovian projection method', a way of obtaining closed-form approximations of European-style option prices on various underlyings that, in principle, is applicable to any (diffusive) model. The aim is to distil the…