Counterparty credit risk
Norinchukin’s repo retreat brings SFT exposures to four-year low
Japanese bank slashes gross SFT assets 54% in Q4, accelerating pullback from repo market to bolster capital
RBC’s CVA risk charges swell 42% in first year under FRTB
Bloating RWAs contrast with declines at peers employing new standardised approach
Credit risk transfer, with a derivatives twist
Dealers angle to revive market that enables them to offload counterparty exposures, freeing up capital
Morgan Stanley’s CVA capital charges surge 42% in Q3
Jump in simple approach output drives RWAs to highest since 2020
Foreign banks want level playing field in US Basel III redraft
IHCs say capital charges for op risk and inter-affiliate trades out of line with US-based peers
More cleared repo sponsors join Eurex ahead of cross-margining
End of TLTROs for banks and pension fund search for liquidity management tools drives uptake
Podcast: Piterbarg and Nowaczyk on running better backtests
Quants discuss new way to extract independent samples from correlated datasets
UniCredit slashes CCP exposures by nearly 40% in a year
Lower exposures at default for exchange-traded derivatives the main driver behind overall drop
UBS Americas’ clearing rate dips post Credit Suisse integration
US arm of Swiss bank cleared $47bn in notionals in the second quarter, the lowest since end-2021
Goldman appoints new financial risk head
Promotion sees Josh Schiffrin oversee strategy and financial risk, including trading supervision
Banks must close the loop on counterparty credit risk
Following a series of market and industry credit risk events, regulatory scrutiny of counterparty credit risk management practices is increasing. Now, more than ever, banks must ensure they are optimising their approaches to credit risk mitigation
Fourteen US banks poised to benefit from curtailed market risk rule
Fed’s changes to Basel III endgame proposal would keep regional banks with limited trading activity exempt from costly FRTB requirements
Risk management overhauls juggle speed and independence
Some banks say the 1.5 line of defence responds faster to risk, but supervisors are still divided
The post-Archegos risk model rebuild begins… slowly
Following regulatory prodding, banks start to overhaul counterparty risk models. A flurry of new research on the topic may aid the effort
Deutsche curbs CVA charges to record low
Addition of hedges in Q2 helps cut RWAs by 26%, outpacing other European banks
Why was Archegos worse than the Fed’s five-fund stress test?
Some believe Credit Suisse was an outlier, but others say the CCAR results underestimated risks
FX HedgePool extends credit intermediation beyond FX swaps
New service lets buy side trade spot and forwards with LPs without prior credit ties, including non-banks
Can Citi’s XVA desk help solve risk data failings?
Resolution plan reviews exposed material limitations in banks’ ability to unwind derivatives
Bridging the gap risk reloaded: modelling wrong-way risk and leverage
A model extends the counterparty risk calculation to include nonlinear and complex portfolios
Trading losses cancel out Goldman’s revenue in 2024 stress test
Bank hit hardest among those tested for market shock and counterparty default
Counterparty risk model links defaults to portfolio values
Fed’s Michael Pykhtin proposes using copula models to capture effects of margin calls on default risk