Energy Risk
At the flick of a switch
Jesper Andreasen and Martin Dahlgren present a regime-switching model for electricity derivatives that incorporates spiky spot-price dynamics and allows for closed-form pricing of forwards, options and swaptions
Europe goes nuclear
Proposals to build new nuclear power plants in the Baltic states and Poland are gathering pace, finds Maria Kielmas
Commodities Count 2006
The recent swell in energy market participants means the battle for dominance has never been fiercer, but the increased competition means ever-more sophisticated product offerings, finds Stella Farrington
A comeback for coal
With gas prices soaring, it seems inevitable that coal - the Cinderella of energy resources - is bound to return to the forefront. But how long will it last? asks Eric Fishnaut
Credit - Energising credit
Traditional credit instruments can be used to mitigate credit risk in the energy sector, despite the unique risk management challenges, says Chris Coovrey
SGX and CBOT to partner on commodities
The Singapore Exchange (SGX) and Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) will launch a joint commodities derivative exchange early this year, marking a step towards fulfilling SGX's strategy to be an Asian gateway. Joe Marsh reports
Icecap completes first closing of its carbon portfolio
Icecap, the carbon emissions group, has today reached first closing of its carbon portfolio having raised aggregate commitments to buy 15 million tonnes of carbon credits from the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation markets.
Ice Futures to launch WTI contract
Ice Futures will launch a cash-settled West Texas Intermediate (WTI) light sweet crude oil futures contract on February 3. The contract will be automatically available to all users with access to Ice Futures oil contracts.
Rights and resources
Doing business in a country with a poor human rights record can be costly, thanks to the changing landscape of corporate liability and human rights. Maria Kielmas reports
Package deals
Banks have been choosing off-the-shelf fully integrated systems for energy trading and risk management. But some feel the available software still falls short
The windfall dilemma
Free allocations of emission allowances may keep fossil fuel generators happy, but their customers are not smiling. Tobias Hsieh, credit analyst with ratings agency Standard & Poor's, explains who wins and loses under the trading rules
Deriving storage value
Following an article Energy Risk published in July, TransCanada's Farzan Nathoo looks at how companies can extract value from their natural gas storage assets
Price drivers - Policy fears in EU ETS
Developments in 2005 have shown that the EU ETS price has been correlated to relative fuel prices and weather. However, there are still remaining policy issues that could greatly influence prices, writes Henrik Hasselknippe and Kjetil Roine from Point…