Operational risk
Late AIFMD applications 'may face less scrutiny' by FCA
Last-minute AIFMD applications may be rushed through by regulator
Transaction tax means more compliance challenges for banks
EU push for FTT promises more work for bank op risk and compliance teams
US banks shunning bitcoin over regulatory fears
Regulatory constraints likely to continue holding back crypto-currencies
Compliance culture an issue for non-US banks, expert warns
Foreign banks struggling to comply with US rules, as BNPP fine shows
LEI body names chief executive for identifier push
Stephan Wolf will lead effort for global identifiers
Top five losses: BNPP blockbuster fine dominates loss data
Operational risk loss data – June 2014
Special report: Conduct risk
A series of articles about conduct risk
Conflict resolution was lacking at Paradigm, expert says
Inadequate conflict resolution led to SEC whistleblower retaliation case
Fatca withholders to struggle without crucial instructions
Days to go until Fatca deadline and instructions still not published
Insurance of limited value for op risk mitigation
Could premiums be better spent on improving controls, delegates ask
Fear of blame for failure linked to rising op risk losses
"Safety culture" hinges on readiness to admit problems, speakers say
Operational risk modelled analytically
Regulators require banks to use an internal model to compute a capital charge for operational risk, which is thought to be sensitive to assumptions on dependence between losses that still remain a matter of debate. Vivien Brunel proposes an analytical…
Op risk staff must challenge bosses to tackle conduct risk
Deference to senior management may allow poor conduct to continue
Conduct risk definition a challenge, says OCC
US regulators discuss conduct and culture
Don't let the pressure off conduct risk
Focus on conduct needs to be backed by promotion decisions
Scenarios fill the speculative gaps, op risk panel says
AMA risk management and op risk modelling cannot succeed by data alone
Whistleblower costs will rise further for Paradigm Capital
SEC whistleblower case will bring more than just monetary fine
Op risk takes forward steps at OpRisk Europe 2014
New dangers and new maturity mark a milestone year for op risk
Sponsored video: Operational risk and the challenges of defining and dealing with conduct risk
Operational risk and the challenges of defining and dealing with conduct risk
How to build a conduct and culture risk metric system
Measuring conduct risk and culture is now a priority for banks
The heavy burden of regulatory settlements
How a few tail losses can skew capital calculations
Top five losses: Credit Suisse $2.6bn payment caps quiet month
Operational risk loss data – May 2014
Building an invisible framework for risk management
Invisible framework enables risk management in a more efficient manner
Conflicts of interest a key concern for Finra
Management of conflicts of interest needs attention, says regulator