Operational risk
A broader scope
Welcome to the rechristened OpRisk & Compliance .
MiFID: A lot of catching up to do
MiFID support high, despite the costs
The View on Flu
Should life companies worry about bird flu? Swiss Re says yes, but Munich Re and a host of primary insurers claim the risks can be overstated. Richard Irving reports
Prospectus prospects
The European Union's Prospectus Directive is meant to provide a single regulatory framework for structured products across Europe. Some dealers believe it is already having a positive effect on the Italian market. Others remain cynical. By John Ferry
A pillar of solvency
Paul Sharma, head of policy for banking, insurance and securities at the UK's Financial Services Authority, talks about life at the sharp end of insurance reform. Nicholas Dunbar reports
Basel II: What If?
Investment firms are relying on scenario analysis to gauge their operational risk.
Perspectives - Phillip Straley
Phillip Straley, Partner, global financial services risk management, Ernst & Young
New Swiss rules reveal hidden capital
Statutory or book reserve capital requirements, a mainstay of continental European insurance regulation, may come under pressure as practitioners digest the results of a field test of new solvency rules conducted by Switzerland's insurance regulator.
Coping with complexity
The demand for risk-based technology has never been higher due to changing business practices, growing regulatory burdens and burgeoning demand for cross-asset class products. But new entrants can still gain market share in niche areas.
Clash of the regulators
As the pace of the Solvency II process to reform European insurance supervision quickens, British and French regulators have clashed over the use of market-consistent solvency requirements, to the alarm of proponents of risk-based supervision.
Perspectives - Simon Topping
Simon Topping, Executive director, banking policy, Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Australia and Singapore lead Basel II adoption
Singapore and Australia are now the leading countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the implementation of the new capital framework, Basel II, according to a report by Celent, an international financial consultancy.
Making progress
The recovery in Japan’s banking sector means that country’s banks are closer to meeting the minimum capital adequacy requirements of Basel II than was anticipated even 12 months ago. However, challenges remain, particularly with regards to data. By John…
Trading Book regime needs change, says Schmidt Bies
New liquidity and credit risks in the trading book warrant the review of the Market Risk Amendment of 1996 as proposed by the Basel Committee, according to Susan Schmidt Bies, member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
The way forward
cayman islands roundtable
A conference to remember
Structured Products Europe 2005
A metamorphosis in funds
Alternative investment products: Mutual funds
Basel Committee issues sound practice principles for credit risk assessment for loans
The Banking Committee on Banking Supervision has released a consultative document outlining principles for 'Sound Credit Assessment and Valuation for Loans'.
To build or not to build
Europe needs more power. But a lack of clear pricing signals and the unknown impact of new environmental legislation is making risk forecasting difficult, and could hinder new plant construction
SOX 404 ignores op risks, says IIA
More moves towards MiFID implementation
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