Operational risk
Smarter thinking around financial crime prevention
As the current approach to financial crime monitoring and investigation pushes financial firms’ resources to the limit, IBM assesses the key challenges and potential risks of current anti-money laundering and customer due diligence processes, and…
Sponsored video: Thomas Lee, Vivo Security
Thomas Lee, chief executive and co-founder of Vivo Security – a start-up firm based in Silicon Valley and sponsors at OpRisk North America – talks about how special the banking industry is to Vivo Security and why its approach to model risk management…
Fed’s outgoing CCAR chief defends stress tests
Timothy Clark rebuffs US Treasury recommendations; supports more transparency
Buy side balks at costs of SMR extension
Expansion of scheme will bring 47,000 firms in scope; compliance and recruitment costs set to rise
Malaysian central bank called to act against 1MDB officials
Bank Negara Malaysia says it will continue to work with international agencies over alleged fraud
SMA: the story so far
Read Risk.net's coverage on the controversial move to the standardised measurement approach
Credit Suisse seeks capital relief for resolution unit
Finma to rule on whether divesting businesses can reduce op risk RWAs
Sponsored video: Matt Pountain, Broadridge Financial Solutions
Matt Pountain, product lead and deputy general manager at Broadridge Financial Solutions, discusses what market requirements his firm has addressed this year and how it has innovated its post-trade management solution to earn the title of Best Newcomer…
Sponsored video: Collin Coleman, NEX Regulatory Reporting
Collin Coleman, head of NEX Regulatory Reporting, discusses the complications that arise from converging reporting regimes as well as how NEX Regulatory Reporting can offer advice to firms and share their regulation compliance burden.
Sponsored video: Eric Berdeaux, Oxial
Eric Berdeaux, chief executive officer of Oxial, shares his thoughts on the digital innovation in operational risk and compliance and what the biggest challenges Oxial clients are facing right now within compliance.
Sponsored video: Jodi Richard, US Bank
Jodi Richard, chief operational risk officer, discusses the bank being named Bank of the year in the 2017 Operational Risk Awards.
‘Boiling the ocean’: GDPR data demands overwhelm banks
Repapering of existing contracts could stretch beyond May 2018, forcing dealers to rely on regulatory forbearance
A proven technology and exceptional service
Sponsored Q&A: NEX Regulatory Reporting
Op risk managers not sold on SMA alternative
Proposed forward-looking approach would permit internal modelling, but penalise banks if losses exceed estimates
Cognitive computing and data challenges: Q&A with IBM's Diane Reynolds
Content provided by IBM
Regulation and compliance: Q&A with IBM's Grace Brasington
Content provided by IBM
OpRisk Europe and North America wrap: cyber, 3LOD and the SMA
Future of op risk modelling a hot topic at conference, along with evolving three lines of defence framework
OCC warns on cyber risks from subpar patches at US banks
Regulator says banks have good track record overall, but exams reveal weaknesses
Better data key to cyber risk underwriting, say practitioners
Lack of loss data means predictions are a problem
Fed official: banks must recover from cyber attack in two hours
“If you’re waiting for us to give you regulation, you’re behind the curve,” says Fed’s Ferlazzo
CCAR helps identify op risks, banking experts say
Banks forced to consider link between risks and macroeconomic factors
Revised SMA could allow banks to ignore past op risk losses
Leaked proposals say loss component will be left to national regulators, threatening an unlevel playing field
Three lines of defence model still evolving, say practitioners
Clearer split in responsibilities between first and second lines needed, say op risk chiefs