United States (US)
Two US dealers grow appetite for counterparty risk
JP Morgan sees risk weight of portfolio climb to 41.5%
CME-LCH basis collapses amid rates downturn
Brexit and recent LCH initial margin raise could also be factors
State Street, UBS and TD Group incur VAR breaches
Backtesting exceptions cause TD Group's and State Street's market risk capital charge multipliers to climb
State Street had most losing trading days since 2015 in Q2
Systemic US banks rack up 220 losing days in second quarter
IBA mulls RFQ data and Sonia spinoff to bolster swap rate
Benchmark administrator consults on plan to reduce non-publication and prepare for transition to RFRs
To be resolved: inside banks’ ‘living wills’
Non-bank units and service providers make up large share of groups’ critical functions
Six big forex market-makers call for end to last look
Citadel Securities, Jump and Virtu among those repudiating controversial practice
Q&A: CFTC’s Behnam on tackling market risk in climate change
Commissioner wants to see new derivatives products to help mitigate climate threat
Banks queasy over idea of building cyber trust
They agree that sharing intel on cyber threats is a good thing. But that doesn’t mean they want to
LCH plans October 2020 SOFR discounting switch
Cash and basis swaps will reverse value transfer on US dollar derivatives
JP Morgan first to issue SOFR-linked preferred stock
BofA, Goldman Sachs and others are also preparing for Libor’s end
In hunt for yield, US insurers turn to illiquid assets
Mortgage exposures grow 72% in eight years since 2010
‘Living wills’ show some G-Sibs will be simpler to resolve
Four big banks reported fewer wind-up entities in 2019 resolution plans compared with 2017
Post-CCAR share buybacks up 30% for US G-Sibs
Dividend up 18% on average following latest stress test cycle
Ford reaps derivatives gains following interest rates dip
Swap assets of automaker’s financial services unit hit $1.2 billion
Dual IM relief may slash 2020 docs burden by 90%
Isda sees around 8,000 counterparty relationships lifted from phase-five repapering
EU banks seek last-minute margin reprieve for equity options
European dealers want exemption rolled over, to avoid handing US firms a regulatory advantage
Gaps emerge in US plan to regulate non-bank systemic risk
Former regulators say FSOC may struggle to measure systemic risk in repo, loan markets
IM big bang split confirmed with new $50bn threshold
Addition of sixth compliance phase looks set to slash September 2020 in-scope entities by more than half
PNC drains Fed account for buying spree
Future cut to LCR could lead to further withdrawals
FICC dominates US Treasury repo in Q2
Clearing house’s sponsored programme claimed $449.7 billion of US Treasury-backed trades
Regulators plan to delay IM ‘big bang’ – market sources
Most see final phase of initial margin rules coming a year later, in September 2021
Swaptions face valuation hit on discounting switch
Move to new reference rates could hurt some swaptions holders, while others enjoy “windfall gain”
JP Morgan equity VAR surges 56%
Total trading VAR stood at $44 million for Q2