North America
Correlation ‘is not causation’ for rates and value stocks
Some quants remain unconvinced by the ‘great rotation’ away from growth
JP Morgan’s deep hedging reaches cliquets
Euro Stoxx roll-out is live and S&P is next, despite exit of machine learning programme’s figurehead
Isda broadens FRTB carbon trading study to win over sceptics
New study shows risk weights too high for US markets, but data from 2008 still missing
Climate is changing for derivatives valuation adjustments
Banks back increased use of global warming criteria when calculating XVAs
Private companies ‘lack data transparency’
Investors held back over issues around data quality and availability
People moves: Quarles quits Fed, CS credit team exodus continues, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
FRTB starts ‘tug of war’ between front and back offices
Risk USA: dealers face trade-off between accuracy of pricing models and level of capital charges
Inflation scenarios: tail risks loom for US equities
Portfolios could lose more than one-third of their value if inflation stays high, suggests crowdsourced scenario exercise
Collateral manager of the year: BNY Mellon
Asia Risk Awards 2021
APG hires in-house weatherman to interpret climate data
Europe’s wettest summer in a century prompts asset managers to calculate flood risk for real estate
Dealers back CLS plans for EM settlement system
12 banks announce support for project to extend PvP protection to certain CLS-ineligible currencies
People moves: Credit Suisse senior shake-up, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
The market data vending machine: pros and cons of self-service
Some brokers and exchanges are allowing clients to choose data and services on an à la carte basis
US watchdogs seek to govern bank AML systems as models
Banks fear prudential agencies’ move could hamper their own ability to fight financial crime
Citi-led consortium plans multibank CLO trading platform
‘Project Octopus’ aims to fend off independent platforms eyeing a push into CLOs
Top 10 op risks 2021: regulatory risk
Big dip in fines belies lingering fears over Covid loan mis-selling and sanctions risk
‘Big Five’ Canadian banks’ provisions doubled in pandemic year
However, over three months to end-January, set-asides dropped dramatically
CanDeal ideal: could Canada make a sea-change in e-trading?
E-trading firm aims to capture all Canada’s electronic fixed income trade, requiring a culture shift
Op risk data: Chronic corruption charges cost Deutsche dear
Also: Wells Fargo fee fight; Nasdaq queers Emir reg; Covid keeps AML fines in line. Data by ORX News
Ending leverage ratio relief could force US banks to downsize
Biggest lenders may have to limit repo activity to manage leverage capital, observers say
Expected European loan losses push up Santander’s Q4 credit reserves
Full-year LLP came to €12.2 billion, contributing to an overall loss in 2020
Fed stress tests find critics on all sides
Conflicting results fuel arguments over dividends and buybacks
Jumbo Goldman 1MDB fine upends 2020 trend to lower losses
Financial fraud and fat fingers loom large, but annual top 10 op risk losses still show fewer fails. Data by ORX News
UBS gears up for another tilt at clearing
Swiss bank makes senior hires and upgrades tech platform ahead of Brexit and leverage offset