Italian banks lead EU on cutting soured loans
Intesa Sanpaolo, Banco BPM, UniCredit shed most NPLs in H1
Italian banks hold most of Europe's loan reserves – EBA
Italy accounts for €84 billion of stage 3 allowances alone
Custody Risk Global Awards 2018 winners announced
Custodian of the Year won by BNP Paribas for second year running
UniCredit retreats from capital target as bond run bites
Italian bank swallows 39bp capital hit in third quarter; 9bp through BTP moves
Intesa Sanpaolo continues battle against bad loans
The ratio of NPLs to total exposures dropped to 4.5% at end-September
EU banks cut €67 billion in non-performing loans
Greece remains the country with the highest NPL ratio, at 45%, followed by Cyprus at 34%
Bond run hits UniCredit capital buffer, trading income
Bank rides rollercoaster of BTP price plunge
Commerzbank VAR jumps on Italian turmoil
Sovereign bond yield spike hits public finance portfolio
Generali weathers Italian bond turbulence
Solvency II SCR ratio dips to a still lofty 201% in the first half
Credit data: default risk still growing for Italy’s banks
Despite a drop in the bad loan ratio, default estimates continue to rise, writes David Carruthers of Credit Benchmark
Swaps data: anatomy of a wild week in dollar swaps
Chaotic Italian politics jolted rates markets – including US dollar interest rate swaps, writes Amir Khwaja of Clarus FT
Italian banks hardest hit by IFRS 9 transition
Risk Quantum analysis of 36 banks from 11 European Union countries found that capital declined on average by 34bp between December 31, 2017, and March 31, 2018
EU Council aims to limit bail-in debt rules
Leaked BRRD text reveals all Greek and Portuguese banks could escape subordinated debt regime
Only 1% of bonds caught in first wave of Mifid transparency
Trax estimates 5% of corporate bonds will be subject to full transparency after four-year phase-in
MTF bilateral trading protocol offers Mifid arbitrage
Nordic banks to use protocol to benefit from longer deferral period
No safety net: EU urged to accelerate bail-in buffers
Without MREL or TLAC, governments are at mercy of private buyers for failed banks
Dexia official acquitted of alleged swaps fraud in Italy
City of Prato likely to appeal despite perjury claims
Dexia faces fraud charges over ‘hidden costs’ in swaps deal
Italian fraud trial could spell trouble for other banks providing municipal swaps contracts
People: CFTC picks enforcement and legislative affairs chiefs
Other changes at Eni, Societe Generale, Danske Commodities, Glencore, Global Coal, Six plus more
Draghi’s euro-exit redenomination hedge
Marcello Minenna says new ECB policy effectively hedges QE bond purchases
Financial distress pre-warning indicators: a case study on Italian listed companies
This paper focuses on the ability of accounting ratios to predict the financial distress status of a firm as defined by the law.
Hedge funds seeking cheap hedges for Italian referendum
Buy side turning to Brexit-inspired hedges for political tail risk
Capital hawks advocate bail-in flexibility for Italy
As stress-test results loom, experts say tackling legacy loans should take priority over bail-in purity