
Dealers ready their resources for Asia commodities push

The bounce in the commodities sector following the financial crisis put a number of dealers on alert about money-making opportunities in Asia. Many leading dealers are amassing their resources in the region, particularly in the physical arena. But do…

Asia Risk 15: Sandip Biswas, Tata Steel

Tata Steel has managed risks on multiple fronts during its transformation from an Indian company into a multinational corporation over the past 15 years. Adopting a proactive but prudent approach to using derivatives has helped achieve this growth. Rahul…

Asia Risk 15: Shilpa Kumar, ICICI

Shilpa Kumar has championed the development of modern financial derivatives in India. The ICICI veteran talks with Asia Risk about some of the milestone events during the past 15 years. By Sarfraz Thind

Consortiums look beyond historical loss data

The financial crisis has shown historical loss data is not enough to help model and predict future op risk events, so some loss data consortiums are looking to include features such as scenario analysis results in their databases

Asia plays catch-up on CCPs

While European and US regulators blaze a trail in over-the-counter derivatives reform, Asian supervisors have been much more circumspect. Some are now exploring the use of central clearing but many are still wrestling with how best to implement it. Matt…

Putting the building blocks in place

The concept of using derivatives for risk management is still relatively new to utilities in India and is viewed with caution by market regulators. Katie Holliday talks to market experts about how they expect the discipline of risk management to develop

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