Maintaining interest
Axa IM has found its own ways to reduce counterparty risk and overcome the problems caused by low interest rates. It is now confident there will be a return to structured products. Clare Dickinson reports
French banks told to reinforce risk management
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Formula, non
The decision by the French government last year to alter its Livret A inflation-linked savings rate formula introduced huge complexity for banks offering Livret A hedges. However, a further change this year has proven to be the last straw, forcing many…
French banks create mobile payments network
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Capital foundations
The overriding characteristic of today's structured products space in France is risk aversion, but that is not stifling innovation in a market where issuance volumes continue to rise. Regulatory compliance may instead prove to be 2008's main obstacle…
New fixing for the Livret A - More demand, more imbalances, more opportunities
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Lagarde: SocGen losses due to poor op risk
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Highlights from the e-symposium
Yesterday’s e-symposium featured presentations from around the world on the state of Basel II implementation and outstanding issues. Following is a synopsis of what our speakers had to say.
Learning from Esops' fables
France's SNCF is concentrating on the risks, particularly the operational ones, associated with its new employee savings programme. Duncan Wood reports on its progress, and throws light on the various other Esop-type products on the market.
French delay on securitisation issue fuels bank concerns
The decision by the French banking regulator, Commission Bancaire, to delay issuing a clarification on a rule regarding the capital risk weighting to be applied to French securitisations, has caused concern among market participants.