Wells Fargo
Default fund costs dominate US G-Sibs’ cleared swaps charges
Default fund contributions accounted for 62% of the eight banks’ RWAs
At US G-Sibs, off-balance-sheet exposures climb $44bn
Goldman Sachs is only big bank to post lower amounts on quarter
New tools needed for bespoke SOFR trades – Wells Fargo
US bank’s Libor transition head wants ‘simple’ way to calculate compound rates for any given period
At US G-Sibs, loan-loss reserves hit $5.6 billion in Q1
Wells Fargo’s PCLs climb 62% quarter-on-quarter
Over four years, US non-cleared swaps books get riskier
Risk density of non-cleared trades has increased under standardised approach
CDS sold by US banks down $55bn in Q1
JP Morgan cut CDS notionals the most, shedding $36.8 billion from its portfolio
JP Morgan cleared swaps balloon $8trn in Q1
Total G-Sib cleared notionals climb 23% in three months to end-March
G-Sibs add $33trn of OTC notionals in Q1
JP Morgan expands swaps book by 23% in first quarter
Systemic risk scores surge at six US G-Sibs
JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs bump up against higher-risk surcharge thresholds
Most US G-Sib assets attract low risk weightings
Of total assets, 53% have a standardised risk weighting of 50% or lower
US G-Sibs curb reliance on unsecured debt
Citi cuts outflows related to issued securities 68% year-on-year
Over four years, US banks blitz correlation trading risks
JP Morgan’s CRM charge has fallen 94% since Q1 2015
Morgan Stanley’s CVA charge swells 19% in Q1
Credit valuation adjustment capital charges have decreased at most G-Sibs year-on-year
Japanese banks inching away from US CLO market
New rules prevent firms investing in CLOs where originator is not obliged to retain risk
US G-Sibs keep on expanding repo books
JP Morgan has increased repo exposure by 34% year-on-year
Five US banks had fewest down days since 2015 in Q1
BofA Securities, BNY Mellon, Citi, JP Morgan and Wells Fargo had most 'up' days in four years
At systemic US banks, HQLA falls $35bn in Q1
LCRs drop at JP Morgan, Citi and BofA Securities
As legal losses recede, Morgan Stanley's op risk falls
Bank cuts op RWAs 7% in the first quarter
JP Morgan hoovers up $1.5bn of client margin in Q1
Total required client margin held by bank increases 13% quarter-on-quarter
Op risk data: Chinese regulators levy record fines
Also: top losses feature two frauds at Russia banks and AML provisions at Nordea. Data by ORX News
US G-Sibs build capital even as shareholder windfalls surge
The eight large US banks return more than $30 billion to equity holders
Asset-backed securities swell Wells Fargo's revenues
Non-agency RMBS sales power $125 million of net gains on debt securities
Swap book values of US G-Sibs dropped in 2018
Settled-to-market technique responsible for some deductions year-on-year
US G-Sibs owned over $50bn of other banks' capital in 2018
BofA Securities held the most of the group at $10.9 billion