People: Citi unveils quant strategies group
Citi unveils quant strategies group
Regulators failing to take the lead on operational risk, says new survey
Few regulators are taking operational risk seriously, says Mike Finlay, chief executive of RiskBusiness
Update: Bouhara and Gouws out, Gudka also resigns as UBS cleans house
Dismissals are "a sign something was seriously wrong", says former senior UBS employee as bank admits operational and risk failings
UBS could face lawsuits after rogue-trading losses
Management failures could leave bank liable
Profile: Standard Bank CRO on rogue trading, liquidity and lending
“We do not have a liquidity issue”
Market-consistent equity risk premiums
Market-consistent equity risk premiums
Turmoil continues at UBS as Grubel steps down
Chief executive takes the fall for $2.3 billion rogue-trading losses
Banks make structured products cutbacks in Australia
Departures from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, RBS and UBS come as retail structured products sales have failed to regain momentum following a collapse in volumes since the global financial crisis
Regulators seek to change operational risk methodology at October meeting
High-severity events such as the $2.3 billion rogue trading loss at UBS have highlighted the low levels of operational risk regulatory capital firms are holding
ETF providers hit back at criticisms in wake of UBS losses
ETF providers have dismissed claims losses allegedly caused by an ETF trader demonstrate the instruments are risky
Video: Have ETFs developed beyond simple index trackers into complex products?
"Are ETFs complex financial instruments", is the first question in a series of videos from Structured Products magazine that address the world of exchange-traded funds. As regulators and observers try and come to grips with losses inflicted on UBS by an…
Market volatility may have brought UBS losses to light
The revelation of rogue trading at UBS follows a period of market volatility. That is nothing new, say risk managers
UBS rogue-trading losses reopen old wounds
The $2 billion loss, a second public incident in three years, undermines faith in UBS's internal controls
Deutsche Bank tops Risk interdealer rankings
Deutsche claims top spot for third year running, with JP Morgan a close second
Risk interdealer rankings 2011: Dealers
Dealers enjoyed a bright start to the year but endured a slow second quarter and a savage start to the third as political wrangling over European and US debt contributed to a surge in volatility and risk aversion. For the third year in a row, Deutsche…
Equity Derivatives House of the Year
Equity Derivatives House of the Year
Best in Australia
Best in Australia
Standard CSA: Industry's solution to novation bottleneck gets nearer
New CSA, new challenge
People: UBS expands derivatives structuring
People: UBS expands derivatives structuring
Deutsche pips UBS to BT Financial deal
Deutsche Bank has secured a contract to offer CPPI to clients of BT Financial in Australia, via its wrap platform.
EMCF joins push for central clearing interoperability
All four Bats Europe and UBS MTF central counterparties now allow interoperability
Banks turn to dynamic algorithm-based structures to exploit interest rate cycles
Demand for fixed-income dynamic interest rate strategies that combine short-term algorithms and long-term positions on interest rate futures is slowly returning
Banks blame complexity for slipping tri-party reform targets
Reforms to $1.59 trillion tri-party repo market are set to miss industry deadlines, and could now spill into 2012
Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse choose EuroCCP under interoperability
Banks such as Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse have chosen EuroCCP to clear their trades under new system of interoperability