Man Group
FRM Equity Alpha Fund-Master Fund: FRM
11th European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2012
FRM’s Luke Ellis puts performance and transparency top of list for investors
11th European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2012
Audio: Man Group wins best investor relations
12th European Single Manager Awards
Man Tail Protect: Man Investments/GLG Partners
12th European Single Manager Awards 2012
Man Managed Account Platform: Man Group
Tenth European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2011
Man Commodity Strategies: Man Investments
Tenth European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2011
Prop traders switching to Hong Kong hedge funds boost industry
Proprietary traders moving from banks to Hong Kong hedge funds has helped the industry turn a corner, say hedge fund market participants, and an SFC hedge fund report indicates the industry is bouncing back in Asia.
Changing Hats, February 2011
The latest movers and shakers in operational risk
Man’s $21bn quant fund sees no need for high frequency trading
AHL, the managed futures single manager of Man Investments, says it sees no need to participate in the high-frequency area to secure alpha from its trend-following strategy.
AHL Alpha: Man Investments
Tenth European Performance Awards 2010
RMF Managed Futures: Man Investments
European Fund of Hedge Funds Awards 2009
Man Group plans hedge fund IPO
Man Group is planning to list its Man Dual Absolute Return Fund, a new closed-end hedge fund, on the New York Stock Exchange.
Deutsche Börse looking to marry Eurex with ISE
Deutsche Börse is in advanced negotiations with the New York-based International Securities Exchange (ISE), which could lead to the Frankfurt exchange taking over ISE via its Eurex derivatives arm.
Man Group to sell off brokerage business
London-based hedge fund and broker Man Group plans to sell its brokerage arm, Man Financial, later this year.
Eurex appoints director of US office
Eurex, the Frankfurt-based derivatives exchange, has named Heike Eckert as director of its US representative office.
Man launches HK retail fund
Hedge fund provider Man Investments has launched a principal-protected futures and options fund authorised by the Hong Kong Securities & Futures Commission and aimed at retail investors.
Sponsor's article > Man Group Case Study: Examining External Loss Events for Operational Risk Assessments
Man Group plc is a leading global provider of alternative investment products and solutions, as well as one of the world’s largest futures brokers. In the sectors in which it is active, particularly hedge funds, operational risk is the chief danger the…
Scenario analysis: the way forward
Of the four elements that Basel uses as inputs for the AMA, scenario analysis has only recently been seen as perhaps the most important.
Man Investments takes compliance lead
Man Investments (Man), Europe's largest hedge fund group, with approximately £40 billion in assets under management, has implemented StarCompliance's 'code of ethics' software to automate its compliance procedures across its 15 global sites.
Man Investments plans retail fund of hedge funds in Hong Kong
Man Investments plans to launch a retail fund of hedge funds in Hong Kong in the third quarter of this year, which it hopes will raise $50 million in the first 12 months.
Man Investments plans retail fund of hedge funds in Hong Kong
Man Investments plans to launch a retail fund of hedge funds in Hong Kong in the third quarter of this year, which it hopes will raise $50 million in the first 12 months.
Montreal Exchange opens hub in London
Canada’s Montreal Exchange will open a telecommunications hub in London before the end of March, Luc Bertrand, the exchange’s chief executive, said this week. This would enable UK-based traders to gain direct access to its electronic platform.