International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda)
Isda AGM: Risk and Isda launch new derivatives research award
First OTC derivatives research award will be given in February 2014
Isda AGM: Closer international co-ordination needed, says MAS’s Ng
The potential for conflicting regulations could hamper cross-border trades, warns MAS official
Isda AGM: Template for standardised interest rate swaps launched
Isda and Sifma jointly unveil market-agreed coupon standardised interest rate swaps
Isda AGM: Asia clearing houses to dominate, says survey
Many derivatives users in Asia expect to clear through local CCPs, creating the potential for liquidity fragmentation and higher costs
OTC derivatives supplement
Global consistency a pipe dream, as national regulators go their own way
WGMR proposals raise procyclicality fears
Proposals on the margining of uncleared over-the-counter derivatives trades have been revised to dampen the potential liquid impact
The struggle for consensus on European clearing addendum
The move to central clearing poses a huge documentation challenge. A standard template has been developed for European derivatives users – but will this solve the problem? By Duncan Wood and Lukas Becker
Dealing with CCP proliferation
A variety of clearing houses are emerging in Asia – in some cases, backed by domestic clearing requirements for local currency derivatives. That poses some difficult questions for participants active across the region. Should they sign up to all of them…
Uncleared margin rules could hold back new CSA adoption
New proposals on the margining of uncleared derivatives trades could dampen take-up of the standard CSA
Swaps vs futures: OTC market speaks out
Swaps vs futures: OTC market speaks out
New standard CSA could be hurt by WGMR rules
Some dealers have started trading under the standard credit support annex, but a requirement in new uncleared margin rules could subject many trades to a haircut, potentially causing a re-think. By Matt Cameron and Nick Sawyer
Europe goes its own way on CVA
Europe goes its own way on CVA
Extraterritoriality, uncleared margin and futurisation – Isda on OTC derivatives reform
The first clearing mandates came into force in the US on March 11, but there is still plenty of uncertainty about how certain parts of the new regulatory framework will function. In this roundtable discussion, Nick Sawyer talks to two senior board…
Breaking break clauses
Breaking break clauses
Extraterritoriality: US person definition doubt
The Dodd-Frank Act requires any trade involving a US person to meet strict new regulatory requirements. The first mandatory clearing requirements are now in force – but the definition of US person is still not finalised, creating havoc for firms trying…
Active funds list causes furore
Listed firms complain about breach of confidentiality – others say they are victim of human error – after Risk publishes list of fund managers that face March 11 clearing deadline
Rise in CCPs may spur collateral fragmentation
Currency controls
Central clearing obligations cause collateral headaches in Asia
Collateral thinking
Chinese equity derivatives master agreement close to being finalised
Securities firms in China have begun trading OTC equity derivatives, with a final master agreement expected soon
Bank groups revise trading book counter-proposals
Industry associations seek to put banks in control of diversification treatment - but propose regulatory safeguards
Isda seeks to dispel speculation myths with commodity website
Isda turns up the volume in controversial debate over commodity speculation and position limits
Moves to liberalise domestic derivatives in China
The derivatives door opens
European swap margin rules won’t be retroactive, says Esma
Trades will not become subject to initial margin rules part-way through their life, rule-making body tells Risk