Financial Stability Board (FSB)
Most G-Sib indicators hit all-time highs in tumultuous 2022
Trading volumes and payment activity among fastest-surging indicators
UBS, three Chinese banks face higher capital surcharges
Credit Suisse and UniCredit dropped from G-Sib list in latest systemic risk assessment
FSB warned not to overfill its planned CCP resolution toolbox
Network contagion could make cash calls systemically risky, but TLAC also controversial
US takes scissors to repos. In Europe, it’s not cut and dried
Stateside banks fear disadvantage over haircut rules that EU sees as not ready to implement
Rate of cleared OTC derivatives rises at European banks
Swedbank leads dealers in secular trend towards clearing space
Run risk on funds not a systemic issue, say market participants
FSB and Iosco are consulting on drive to make open-ended funds adopt anti-dilution tools
Goldman could face higher capital charge under Barr proposal
Plans to prevent G-Sib score window dressing would penalise all US systemic banks bar Citi
Trading volume surged at ABN Amro and BNPP in 2022
Banks’ role in secondary market intermediation continues to grow as Deutsche retreats, G-Sib indicators show
Goldman on course for 3.5% G-Sib surcharge
Bank faces 50bp of extra capital add-on from 2025 in the absence of risk score reduction by year-end
Risk managers mull Basel-style climate standards
Risk Live: Splintered approach to stress-testing across jurisdictions “very, very worrying”, says risk expert
FSB to examine social media role in bank runs
Isda AGM: upcoming report will trace flow of deposits out of failing banks; BoE warns of hidden leverage
People: UBS rehires Ermotti for top job, Citi promotes Selva to COO, and more
Latest job news across the industry
Shadow banks grew net repo claims to record $2.1trn in 2021 – FSB
Non-bank intermediaries, led by money market funds, tapped Fed’s reverse repo window as rates began their ascent
FSB: third of climate stress tests not tackling physical risk
Six jurisdictions conducted exercises only for transition risk
Handful of EU banks reap benefits from domestic exposure carve-out
BNP Paribas, ING Bank and UniCredit account for more than three-fourths of G-Sib score savings from favourable intra-EU risk calculation
People moves: Capitolis lay-offs, UBS’s new risk chief, and more
Latest job changes across the industry
Global banks’ systemic footprint grew at record pace in 2021
Every indicator up on previous year, only the second time in G-Sib assessment history
Eurozone G-Sib waiver cuts BNP Paribas a break
New carve-out of intra-bloc exposures prompts drop in French bank’s surcharge
Cross-border risk dominates 2022 G-Sib scores
Overseas lending and borrowing largest contributor to scores of banks in Canada, EU, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland and UK
Credit Suisse, Schwab and UBS hardest hit by new risk indicator
Swiss dealer sees biggest score increase under revised substitutability category in G-Sib assessment
New risk indicator ensnares BofA, benefits Chinese banks
Overhaul in substitutability category pushed US bank's capital surcharge to 2%
BofA faces higher G-Sib surcharge, BNPP earns reprieve
Second-largest US lender assigned to 2% capital add-on bucket in latest systemic risk assessment
BoE official signals tough stance on CCP skin in the game
Default waterfalls must include a second tranche of CCP capital, says Cunliffe
ABN Amro has EU’s biggest trading volume, new indicator shows
Bank’s activity in secondary market is 2.4 times Deutsche Bank’s