Financial Services Authority (FSA)
The FSA’s hardliner
Oliver Page, of the UK’s FSA and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, says regulators should stay tough on credit and operational risk.
Running out of time
Will banking supervisors be able to implement Basel II in time? Even when they agree on what they want, the differences between the G-10’s regulatory regimes make a level playing field unlikely.
Critics attack European Union plans to follow Basel II
Critics of the European Union's plans to make all investment firms - not just banks - set aside capital against the risk of losses from operational hazards such as fraud, computer breakdowns and trade settlement failures, say their fears were confirmed…
A beginning, not an end...
There's a host of operational risk issues still to be ironed out by the global banking industry and its supervisors. Bank regulator Jeremy Quick considers the key questions.
FOA Urges SFA To Extend Futures Netting Submission Deadline
Zenshinren International Installs FSD's Simular Risk/CAD System