European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa)
National supervisors behind in Solvency II preparedness
Eiopa's Jarl Kure: 'there's still a lot to do'
Solvency II: insurers study hedging options for volatility adjustment
Adjustment to discount curve adds complexity to task of hedging liabilities
Standard formula insurers face higher operational risk capital charge
Change to definition of unit-linked expenses would increase firms' SCR
Eiopa targets bank Cocos
Regulator to monitor insurers’ investment in contingent convertible bonds
Unanswered questions remain on model change policies
Status of reactive parameters left open by Eiopa
Fairness agenda raises concerns for Swedish insurers
New bonus distribution rules would have negative effects, say practitioners
Insurance Risk Nordics: European supervisory culture needs to evolve
Authorities must adapt to challenge of Solvency II along with insurers
Sharing the burden
Firms must take care when pushing consumers towards capital-light products
Eiopa chairman: stress tests 'preventative' not a 'repair tool'
'Capital is not the answer to everything,' says Bernardino
Eiopa tests insurers' resilience to sovereign stress
Firms to apply sovereign crisis and 'Japanification' scenarios
Solvency II technical draft too harsh, firms claim
Industry representatives call on Eiopa to soften draft specifications
Concerns mount over periodical payment orders
General insurers embrace capital modelling and revised ALM strategies
Solvency II proposals cause confusion on non-euro extrapolation
Draft delegated acts suggest the last liquid point for non-euro currencies could shift
Solvency II asset data formatting will breed ‘inconsistencies’
Insurers and asset managers warn of difficulties generating coherent data codes for alternative assets
Insurers clamour for materiality guidance on Solvency II reporting
PRA claims it cannot offer advice until publication of Implementing Technical Standards
New Solvency II capital charges still threat to ABS demand
European insurer demand for debt securitisations could vanish despite proposals for lower capital charges
UK regulator 'will not gold plate Solvency II' - Adams
Prudential Regulation Authority to copy wording 'as closely as possible'
‘Unhedgeable’ risk-free curve extrapolation method implied in Omnibus II text
Controversial Smith-Wilson technique expected to be confirmed in level 2 implementing measures
Global capital standard may require ‘adjustments’ to national supervisory regimes
European regulators prepared to reopen Solvency II to comply with future international quantitative standard
Solvency II interim reporting requirements were 'too ambitious' - Eiopa
Insurers hail downscaling of regulator’s initial plans, but concerns about consistent application remain
Van Hulle urges parties to reach agreement in Omnibus II negotiations
Former Solvency II head at European Commission says agreement in the interests of all stakeholders
EU Council accused of bulldozing over long-term guarantees proposals
German MEP “appalled” by “irresponsible” council as Omnibus II trilogue negotiations resume
Optimism as Omnibus II trilogues recommence next week
Over the summer, Omnibus II discussions picked up speed at the EU Council. Draft papers reveal a more generous volatility balancer and extended transitional measures are in the pipeline. Industry representatives believe an agreement is within reach…