Deutsche Bank

A bridge too far?

As exchange-traded funds become increasingly complex and start to resemble structured products, are product providers stretching the limits too far in terms of what should constitute an ETF? By John Ferry

US commodity ETFs blow hot and cold

Increasing attention has turned to commodity exchange traded funds (ETF) in the US this month as part of the wider investigation by the CFTC into the need for tighter oversight of energy futures markets. Rachel Morison investigates

Deutsche redeems Powershares ETNs

Deutsche Bank will redeem all outstanding Powershares DB Crude Oil Double Long exchange-traded notes (ETNs), according to a statement issued by the bank on September 1.

Banks' own credit risk hampers financial results

Own credit risk - the concept of including the credit risk of an institution in the measurement of the liabilities it issues - had a significant impact on banks' profits in the first half of 2009, as credit default swap (CDS) spreads referencing banks'…

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