Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Sefs: Dead on arrival?

Bloomberg is threatening to sue the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission over uneven margin rules that it fears will drive the market away from swaps and into new futures contracts. Peter Madigan reports

Futurisation debate shifts to block trading rules

Different block trading thresholds for economically equivalent swaps and futures could hand exchanges a decisive advantage in the ongoing futurisation fight. But some market participants argue the disparity is fair, as do some regulators. Joe Rennison…

Extraterritoriality: US person definition doubt

The Dodd-Frank Act requires any trade involving a US person to meet strict new regulatory requirements. The first mandatory clearing requirements are now in force – but the definition of US person is still not finalised, creating havoc for firms trying…

CFTC legal counsel to depart

Hetco hires top Tudor quant; Koch swipes LNG expert from BNP; Marex Spectron hires in Asia; DME recruits products and services head; RBC hires metals head

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