Op risk modelling evolves
Operational risk is devilishly difficult to model, but dealers and software vendors are making headway. Automated op risk reporting, profiling and sophisticated operational value-at-risk (VAR) modelling are finally beginning to catch-on in banks.
Commerzbank loses head of alternative investment unit
Kevin Ferro, formerly head of Commerzbank’s New York-based Alternative Investment Strategies (AIS) unit, has left the firm, along with five members of his team. A Commerzbank spokesperson in New York said that Ferro and his colleagues have set up a new…
Will Germany scupper Basel II?
How real is Germany’s threat to veto the proposed Basel II bank capital accord if the country fails to get the concessions it wants on the accord’s treatment of bank lending to small to medium-sized companies (SMEs)?
DrKW and Raft establish new op risk management standard
Investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (DrKW) and Raft International, the component-based software provider to the financial services industry, have jointly developed and deployed Radar, a near real-time global operational risk management…
Risk suppliers rise to Basel challenge
Risk management software suppliers will need to improve their products to meet the demands of Basel II.
DKB Financial Products Upgrades Global Database With Sybase 11
Kleinworts Goes Live With CMG's Cobra Limits Credit Risk System