Banco de Espana
Risk Europe: Changes to liquidity ratios likely, say regulators
Bank supervisors may look to recalibrate liquidity proposals under Basel III following industry comment.
Risk Europe: Industry should stop fighting Basel III and focus on transition
Senior Basel Committee member tells banks to get involved in negotiations over the phase-in period for Basel II reforms
Bank of Spain denies Spanish banks are delaying losses by acquiring NPAs
The Bank of Spain defends Spanish banks' hands-on risk management of non-performing assets related to the property sector.
Provisioning for the future
A growing number of regulators have highlighted dynamic provisioning as a means of lessening pro-cyclicality in the financial system. José Mar√≠a Rold√°n, director-general of banking regulation at the Banco de Espa√±a and chair of the Standards…
Spanish rules cushioned banks from the crisis, says top regulator
In an exclusive interview with Risk , José María Roldán, director-general of banking regulation at the Banco de España, explains how a unique regulatory framework has led Spanish banks to adopt prudent trading and risk management processes that paid off…
Basel implementation chief: no need for Basel III
Modifications being made to Basel II are sufficient to tackle the flaws in the framework and "we are certainly not going in the direction of Basel III", according to the chair of the standards implementation group of the Basel Committee on Banking…
Caruana to join IMF
Jaime Caruana, chairman of the Basel Committee and head of the Bank of Spain until July 1, is to head a new department covering financial, capital market and monetary affairs at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington. The appointment begins…
Caruana to step down as Basel Committee chief
Jaime Caruana will step down as chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in July, when his six-year tenure as head of the Spanish central bank expires.
Basel Committee issues home-host sharing guidelines for Basel II
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has issued a consultative document on enhancing home-host information sharing guidelines for banking supervisors to set up a framework for the effective cross-border implementation of the Basel II capital Accord.
The poet of risk regulation
Jaime Caruana has been seeking harmony in his role as chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Now that the final text of the new Basel Accord has finally been released, Caruana can comment on the work he has done – and give his views on…
FSA director to chair Joint Forum
UK financial regulator the Financial Services Authority’s director of markets, Gay Huey Evans, will take over the chairmanship of the Joint Forum in January. She succeeds José María Roldán, general director of financial regulation at the Bank of Spain,…
Sponsor's article > Don't count on buffers
One possible mitigator of the pro-cyclical impact of risk-sensitive capital requirements would be counter-cyclical changes in capital buffers. Empirical evidence on this issue is scarce and a new regulatory capital regime could well induce a behavioural…