Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
Four of five largest Australian banks look to clear with LCH
LCH.Clearnet makes inroads into the domestic Australian market with its SwapClear service
The perfect position: Standard Bank Offshore
Shoring up in Jersey
Instreet urges Australian investors to look on the bright side
Treating hypochondriacs
LCH.Clearnet model ‘not appropriate’ for Australian market, say two domestic banks
Two Australian banks speaking at Risk & Return Australia are critical of LCH.Clearnet for not meeting local market needs with its central clearing operation
Australia waiting for international consensus on central clearing
Australia's latest consultation paper outlines only "incremental steps" to central clearing
Energy players assess MF Global fallout
MF Global’s bankruptcy is unlikely to significantly impact commodity markets, participants say, but could affect the Dodd-Frank rule-making process
Risk & Return Australia 2011: Co-ordinated supervision critical for global financial stability
Speakers at Risk & Return Australia 2011 believe the ability of supervisors to implement regulation around the world in a consistent manner is the most critical component to financial regulatory reform. They also believe the timeframe for new rules needs…
ASX vs LCH in race to be Australia's OTC clearer
Home-town blues
Chi-East moves to connect Asia's dark pools
Joint venture between Singapore Exchange and Chi-X Global expects to announce four new members in the next two months
Selling volatility and correlation remains popular, but is it safe?
Making way for the money-spinner
Japan’s nuclear woes alter dynamics for Asian commodity derivatives
Nuclear woes fuel coal
Commodity exchanges in Asia push for local liquidity
The liquid house rules
Market dynamics for physical coal and its derivatives changing in Asia
Robust stock levels
Dealers resigned to CCP competition in Asia
Gaining interest
SGX could expand clearing to Australia post ASX merger
SGX could expand its OTC clearing service to the Australian market once a decision has been made on a merger with ASX, but it also plans to add new currencies and asset classes – including forex forwards
International banks to fight over ANZ and Westpac power trading experts
As the Australian power market grows, international investment banks will need to bag the local talent to capitalise on the opportunities presented, say experts
Hong Kong to get volatility index ‘early next year’
Hong Kong will get a real-time VIX index in the first quarter next year, according to Hang Seng Indexes.
Australian corporates weak on scenario analysis and strategic risk management, survey finds
Companies in Australia are good at looking at the operational aspects of risk, but place little thought on scenario analysis and strategic risk control, according to the Chartered Secretaries Australia (CSA)
Video: SGX’s Sutat Chew on alternative markets and CCP
Traditional exchanges have nothing to fear from alternative trading venues as long as they keep innovating, according to the Singapore Exchange’s head of corporate and market strategy. OTC derivatives central counterparty clearing, meanwhile, presents a…
Australian power market attracts raft of new investors
New kid on the bloc
Tapping Australia's economic performance
On top down under
iShares to launch Australian equities ETFs
iShares to launch Australian equities ETFs
LM Investment offers access to the Australian economy
LM Investment offers access to the Australian economy
A complex payoff
The Royal Bank of Scotland has created a complicated retail structured product based on volatility for the Australian market and teamed up with National Australia Bank to help with distribution. Capital for the seven-year product is protected at maturity…