Dinallo's dilemma
Editor's letter
Stop hiding behind the foliage
Whither originate and distribute?
Some argue the crisis in structured credit markets signals the demise of the originate-and-distribute model of banking, but this fails to take into account the pattern of all revolutions, argues David Rowe
Credit evolution
Editor's letter
Editor's letter
Market graphic - Recessionary pricing
The effects of a US recession on Europe are hard to quantify, but European spreads are already pricing in a mild recession, according to JPMorgan Credit Research. Is this enough?
Column: Andrew Kasapis
Our new columnist suggests three trading strategies that might reap rewards this year
Column: Nigel Sillis
An anomaly in S&P's CDO Evaluator would have us believe that a AAA rated CDO is more likely to default than a AA+ corporate - fine in today's market, not so good in theory
Legal spotlight
The structured credit market is facing a new paradigm as we emerge from the credit crisis. Angus Duncan and Robert Cannon look at the kind of structures we can expect to see in 2008
Talking point - Investment-grade bond covenants
Following the release of a white paper by a group of 50 buy-siders proposing an overhaul of existing covenants, we ask market participants whether investment-grade bond covenants need improving
Some day, all this will be risk-neutral
Editor's letter
Das Undenkbare
A turn for the worse?
Now it's op risk's turn to take centre stage
Legal lethargy
Constraining buy-side institutions to hold only investment-grade securities uses a nearly century-old metric with limited contemporary relevance. David Rowe supports one modest proposed reform
Structured stagnation
Editor's letter
Talking point - 2008 outlook
Column - David Watts
Our reliance on low correlation has been instrumental in destroying that very scenario