Insurance Risk - VOL. 6/NO. 7
Articles in this issue
A new hedging approach for Asian variable annuities
Market demand is driving insurance companies to offer variable annuities in Asia ex-Japan, despite the rough ride they received from their first steps into this market. Insurers are taking a more cautious approach to risk this time around, but have they…
The longevity challenge of care annuities
For most of the life industry, getting policyholder longevity predictions accurate to a few months of the realised experience would be cause for celebration. But for care annuity provider Partnership, this level of accuracy could be disastrous. Aaron…
Post-crisis pension fund strategic asset allocation
Pension investing is a long-term game – but the financial crisis forced most funds to adjust their strategies to meet the demands of short-term volatility. The impact of this experience has been felt differently across Europe. Clive Davidson reports
Slovenia gears up for Solvency II challenge
In the last 20 years, the Slovene life industry has battled inflation rates of close to 2000%, sector-wide insolvency and is now readying for its first experience of risk-based capital regulation with the advent of Solvency II. Aaron Woolner reports
QIS 5 makes its mark
European insurers are gearing up to take part in Solvency II’s latest and final quantitative impact study. John Ferry assesses what the latest proposals suggest about the impact of the new regime
Insurers reappraise forex risk
Increasing currency volatility has prompted a reappraisal of insurers’ foreign exchange hedging approach – a phenomenon that will be accelerated, particularly in the Nordic regions, with the advent of Solvency II. Laurie Carver reports
Raj Singh interview: lesson for the future
The credit crisis has impacted the whole reinsurance sector, but, according to Raj Singh, chief risk officer at Swiss Re, at least it has taught the industry useful lessons for the future. Sarfraz Thind reports
MCEV – the quest for market consistency
After the extreme volatility of 2008 spoiled the MCEV launch party, investors have been understandably wary of the way some firms have taken a hardline stance on market consistency. Now the variance in how non-hedgable risks are assessed is what is…
QIS 5 specifications add complexity
Insurers face greater complexity under EC's final QIS 5 specifications
Sampension moves to intentional guarantees
Copenhagen fund agrees to move to intentional guarantees to avoid Solvency II charges
ING warns of ‘dramatic divergence’ in interest rates if euro fails
Widely diverging interest rates could occur if EMU is dissolved, warns Dutch insurer
Risk-based supervision the ‘focus’ of equivalence criteria, says EC
Third-couuntry equivalence assessments should focus on whether regimes are risk-based
Ring-fencing may not protect benefits
Ring-fencing assets may not protect policyholder benefits, says Ceiops