
Isda hits back at call for more derivatives regulation

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda) has hit back at calls for more derivatives regulation in the wake of Enron’s demise. “Advocating regulation for regulation’s sake is bad policy, and could severely affect the US role in global…

CBOE's Walsh emerges as OneChicago ops head

Robert Walsh, vice-president of trade processing at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), will become managing director of operations for OneChicago, the joint venture created to trade single-stock futures by Chicago's three derivatives exchanges:…

US swap spread narrowing set to continue

US swap spreads narrowed during the year’s first week of trading. But despite anticipation that the Fed will soon discontinue cutting interest rates, spreads will continue to be tight over the next few months, according to economic research from JP…

OneChicago selects CBOEdirect trading platform

OneChicago, the joint venture of Chicago’s three derivatives exchanges created to trade single-stock futures, has selected the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s (CBOE) screen-based system, CBOEdirect, as its trading platform.

Ramseyer-Torres named DrKW deputy head of equities

Roselly Ramseyer-Torres, who has been steadily building up Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein’s (DrKW) equity derivatives capability, has climbed another rung in the German investment bank’s corporate ladder by being named deputy head of global equities.

Swiss Re’s Wilson joins Oliver, Wyman

Oliver, Wyman & Company, the New York-based consultancy, plans to boost its risk management practice by hiring Tom Wilson, former Swiss Re New Markets chief financial officer and chief risk officer.

AEP snaps up Enron's Nordic power team

Ohio-based utility American Electric Power (AEP) is set to enter the Nordic power market after its London-based European trading arm, AEP Energy Services, assumed operation of Enron's offices in Oslo and Stockholm.

Smartstream launches ETC application

Smartstream Technologies, the London-based provider of reconciliation and trade confirmation management solutions, plans to let fund managers create electronic notification of trade execution through its latest electronic trade confirmation (ETC) module,…

EEX to offer clearing for OTC forwards

Germany’s European Energy Exchange (EEX) plans to become the first power exchange in continental Europe to offer central counterparty clearing services for over-the-counter (OTC) electricity forward transactions.

2001 a record year for Liffe and Eurex

Europe’s two largest derivatives exchanges this week reported record trading volumes for 2001. Eurex, the Swiss-German exchange, traded a total of 674 million contracts in 2001, a 48% increase on 2000’s 455 million contracts. The London International…

Hungarian netting legislation welcomed by Isda

The International Swaps and Derivatives Association (Isda) today said it welcomed the implementation of Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Markets (CMA), which provides legal certainty to the enforceability of close-out netting in Hungary. The CMA, passed by…

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