
WestLB to adopt Citigroup FX settlement service

Germany's WestLB has subscribed to Citigroup’s e-business CLS (continuous-linked settlement) settlement services for foreign exchange settlement. The deal will allow WestLB to offer CLS settlement services to its German savings bank and Landesbank…

Globex glitch grounds CME's Eagle platform

The maiden flight of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) Eagle (electronic arbitrage Globex liquidity enhancer) platform has been delayed until October due to problems with Globex, the CME's electronic trading platform, which supports Eagle.

UK investor fears seem overdone, regulator says

It is right that regulators look hard at the UK’s regulatory regime to see whether improvements are needed to prevent a fraudulent attempt to inflate corporate earnings for personal gain, the UK’s chief financial regulator said today.

Tremont appoints UK managing director

Tremont Advisors, a consulting and information provider for the alternative investment business, has hired Rupert Allan as managing director of its UK subsidiary Tremont TASS (Europe). Allan will oversee all marketing and business development for Tremont…

UBS Warburg unveils North American interest rate and FX hires

UBS Warburg has hired Glenn Taitz and William Ludington as executive directors in its North American interest rate and foreign exchange divisions. Based in Stamford, Connecticut, the pair will report to Michael Ice, head of marketing and structuring of…

Principia Partners boosts staff for global expansion

New Jersey-based financial technology provider, Principia Partners, is increasing its sales and marketing staff. The recruitment drive is part of a global expansion strategy for its global capital markets front-to-back office system, which supports…

Icor plans to offer electronic rate swaps at year-end

Electronic interdealer broker Icor plans to offer dollar-denominated interest rate swaps at the turn of the year. The New York-based broker, 50% owned by global information services company Reuters, currently trades only foreign exchange options.

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