
Subprime hope

As the fallout from the troubled US subprime mortgage market continues to spread, Laurence Neville looks at what the future holds and examines some important factors that must be addressed to ensure its survival

Running dry

The UK has seen an old-style bank run like those of the nineteenth century. German lenders have struggled to prop up failing conduits. Contagion from the US has reached Europe but not in the way anyone expected. Subprime lenders, in particular, have been…

The contagion will spread

All eyes have been on the residential mortgage-backed sector but, as our new columnist points out, commercial real estate may be the next to provide some nasty surprises

Bad luck, bad timing and bad bets ..

Extreme levels of volatility and parched liquidity have shaken up the global hedge fund industry. Nikki Marmery reports on the winners and losers in the summer's relentless ride

Credit funds: Behind the rhetoric

As fund after fund succumbs to emergency measures to halt redemptions, shore up funding or sell off structured credit assets, the terms used to describe them are too often blurred and confused.

Brushfield Capital CDO

This month's deals are particularly deserving of mention given the recent market turmoil. We highlight Brushfield Capital's CDO, the Dalradian CLO and Gazprom's $1.25bn bond

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