Equity markets
Exchange evolution
Company profile
Regulation: Trapped in the slow lane
Special report: Focus on España
Preparing for pressure
Cover story
Irish eyes are smiling
Country profile: Ireland
Martin Fridson
Conference report: An industry in transformation
Special report: Focus on the USA
Sparking interest
Correlation trading
On the Fritz
Martin fridson
Senate urged to overhaul CFTC
New angles
Eyes turning east
New angles
Calgary’s oil patch
The sum of its parts
The income alternative
Aiming for an annual dividend yield of 7% for its investors, Forsyth Alternative Income fund of hedge funds takes a different tack on hedge-fund investing. The fund's manager, Rossen Djounov, explains the philosophy and process behind it
Making life interesting
Duncan Sankey
The risk/reward tightrope
Duncan Sankey
The value of volatility
Market view by Robert Benson
News in brief
The Italian Inquisition