Equity markets

Risk Australia Rankings 2008: A roller-coaster year

Market participants in Australia have faced a year of ups and downs in all asset classes. But a number of dealers - some facing problems of their own - have stood up to the task, with Deutsche Bank defending its position at the top of the pile

NDFA offers income with tax incentives

NDFA has launched two structured products which offer tax efficiencies by allowing the investor to buy preference shares in an offshore wrapper. Consequently, basic rate taxpayers receive non-UK dividends tax-free, while higher-rate tax payers have had…

MSCI Barra produces global currency indexes

MSCI Barra has launched global currency indexes that can be licensed for portfolio management and benchmarking purposes, as well as to serve as the basis of structured products and other index-linked investment vehicles such as ETFs.

Keydata offers income or growth

Keydata Investment Services has launched the Extra Income Plan, which offers either an income or growth. The income option pays a quarterly coupon of 2.075% pa while the growth option returns 58.5% at maturity.

Cloudy skies prompt launch of new rainbow product

London and Capital has launched a capital guaranteed multi-asset rainbow plan which offers exposure to equities, commodities and property. It uses a lookback feature which will weight the classes differently according to their performance, offering…

Capital foundations

The overriding characteristic of today's structured products space in France is risk aversion, but that is not stifling innovation in a market where issuance volumes continue to rise. Regulatory compliance may instead prove to be 2008's main obstacle…

Sunk by correlation

Equity derivatives dealers faced a grim picture across global markets earlier this year, with steep rises in correlation and volatility together with a slump in dividend expectations decimating exotic books. How have dealers responded? By Mark Pengelly

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