Journal of Credit Risk
1744-6619 (print)
1755-9723 (online)
Editor-in-chief: Linda Allen and Jens Hilscher
Volume 18, Number 1 (March 2022)
Papers in this issue
The loss optimization of loan recovery decision times using forecast cashflows
In this paper, a theoretical method is empirically illustrated in finding the best time to forsake a loan such that the overall credit loss is minimized.
On comprehensive balance sheet stress testing and net interest income risk attribution
In this paper the authors propose a framework for granular-level stressed net interest income calculation and profit-and-loss risk attribution.
Bank-sourced transition matrixes: are banks’ internal credit risk estimates Markovian?
This study explores banks’ internal credit risk estimates and the associated banksourced transition matrixes.
A structural credit risk model based on purchase order information
This paper proposes a credit risk model based on purchase order information to address the deficiencies of monitoring methods that use only financial statements.