Foreign exchange
Advantage: Algos
Algorithmic trading
Best practices in GRC convergence:
While there is no single path towards GRC convergence, there is a set of best practices that canachieve the desired result. Bruce McCuaig of Paisley outlines these best practices and the mostbeneficial ways to implement them
Employee surveillance: minimising operational risk and fraud through enhanced company-wide monitoring
Paul Henninger director, fraud solutions, at Actimize, outlines the four greatest practical threats afinancial firm faces, and suggests how they should be addressed
Implementing and maturing GRCand how to motivate it
Senior managers consider effective GRC management essential in achieving their organisation’s objectives. Cura’s thought leaders set out a comprehensive tactical approach to follow when implementing a GRC programme
Getting to GRC: some lessons from the best
GRC programmes are evolving rapidly into a more collaborative, integrated proposition. Mark Opausky, president and CEO of BPS, offers four case studies, each showing how effective utilisation of a robust GRC programme can benefit an organisation
GRC 2.0: The focus is on value
It has been about four years since the term GRC came into use. Although the risk management community has clearly embraced the concept and has begun to make progress on the journey, the executive suite is continuing to question the value for money. By…
Risk convergence and implicationsfor GRC technology solutions
Technology often provides point solutions for specific risk disciplines, but better results can beachieved if risk management is converged within a single framework. Patrick O’Brien of OpenPagesoutlines the principles of effective GRC convergence and the…
Financial firms need to goback to basics
The concept of governance, risk and compliance has evolved in reaction to increasing regulatorycomplexity and change. But, as Ellen Davis points out, it’s complexity and change that threatenGRC initiatives at financial firms, and simplicity might be the…
Eliminate the weak links inyour GRC process
S Ramakrishnan, chief executive officer of Reveleus and Mantas, highlights where firms might begoing wrong in their implementation of GRC processes, and suggests ways to tackle these issues
10 steps to a sustainable integrated GRC architecture
As firms struggle to keep up in an ever-changing regulatory environment, Mati Ram, CEOat Dynasec, presents 10 practical techniques that can help organisations to build a sustainable integrated GRC architecture
Clearing the way ahead
The major credit derivatives dealers, along with the Clearing Corporation, are working to develop a central clearing house for over-the-counter credit derivatives trades. How will this initiative work, and are there are any rival schemes in the pipeline?…
"We're politically accountable"
Regulatory capital
Loans return?
The best scenario
Libor under attack
Interest rates
A tough saddle to mount
Isda's chairman, Eraj Shirvani, talks to Alexander Campbell
Restoring ratings
CDO ratings
Broaden valuation options
In the same way credit risk managers used to question how a loan would be repaid if the primary means of payment were to fail, so banks ought to ask if there is another way to value structured credit investments if market liquidity were to dry up, argues…
The sewers of Jefferson County
Auction-rate Securities
Regulatory reaction
Editor's letter
Faltering flows
Prime broking