Foreign exchange
Hope for markets as Senate rescues bailout
Financial stocks rose this morning in Europe after the US Senate passed an amended version of the planned $700 billion financial bailout bill.
Strain persists on interbank lending
Instability in the interbank lending markets continued today, despite the approval of the revised $700 billion bailout legislation by the US Senate.
FSA amends sourcebook to include Mifid exemptions
Daily news headlines
EU considers tougher capital rules for banks
Daily news headlines
Focus on regional strategies brings value for investment managers
Following a strategy focused on a specific region gives managers a chance to concentrate on a specific universe of investment opportunities that can bring good returns for portfolios. Stephen Quigley and Jamie Wynn-Williams talk to managers running funds…
Academy Insight
Corporate statement
Barclays CORETM – opportunities in trading equity correlation
Corporate statement
The FX effect
US bond funds that invest in international assets have seen their returns hit by the recent rally in the US dollar. Dalia Fahmy looks at how fund managers are trying to insulate themselves from exchange rate movements and gauges market opinion on which…
Column: Nigel Sillis
Labour costs are rising even though labour is no more scarce. How is this happening?
Editor's letter
Profile: David Strachan
The FSA's head of financial stability would seem to have his work cut out for him. He talks to Alexander Campbell about new rules that should safeguard against future bank failures
Don't bet on the bank
The failure of a major investment bank. The bailout of the US mortgage agencies. The rumoured demise of further financial institutions. Now does not seem like the ideal time to be investing in the financials sector. Or does it? Laurence Neville reports
Market Graphic: What drives Russian bond spreads?
Market graphic
Chaos theory - Why a little instability might be no bad thing for the future of the credit market
The recent history of the financial markets has been a story of cheap and widely available credit and advances in risk management techniques that have enabled investors to accurately price - in theory, at least - a book of risks. David Boorer of Northern…
Back to basics
We take you back to the credit basics to review everything you thought you already knew but were too afraid to ask... Michael Thompson of Standard & Poor's looks at factors influencing the credit crisis
A Proactive approach
Portfolio reconciliation
Clearing a path to lower op risk
Counterparty risk
Konrad von Habsburg
CDS processing - The challenges