Foreign exchange
Time to celebrate
Discover the leading lights in the global energy trading and risk management industry as we reveal the winners of the 2009 Energy Risk Awards
Russia and the EU Gas Market
Russia is the world's largest exporter of natural gas and holds the largest reserves. With Europe increasingly dependent on Russia for future gas supplies, Eric Fishhaut of GlobaView looks at Russia's influence over gas supply and demand
Spark-spread option valuation
In this next article of the Masterclass series, Lacima Group focus on power trading and detail how industry practitioners typically value the flexibility of generation assets as real options while taking operating constraints into account
OMG commits to new clearing and reporting targets
The Operations Management Group (OMG) on June 2 outlined its latest targets to improve the operational infrastructure of the over-the-counter derivatives industry.
Credit market won't be fazed by GM bankruptcy, say analysts
Despite its size, the largest industrial bankruptcy in US corporate history is unlikely to have much of an effect on the credit derivatives markets, suggest analysts.
Industry prepares for OTC regulation debate
The US Government has initiated what is set to be a lengthy and complex debate over proposals for the regulation of over-the-counter derivatives, finds Pauline McCallion
Majors' contango play set to fade
Oil companies that profited from storing oil amid falling prices are unlikely to to see similar returns as the longer-term economic picture begins to brighten. Pauline McCallion reports
Steel industry looks to iron ore swaps
Steel producers remain sceptical of the benefits of hedging with futures contracts. Now interest in iron-ore derivatives could offer another way for steel players to hedge risk, finds Katie Holliday
UK pension BPA market to halve in 2009, predicts LCP
The market for transferring UK pension scheme risk to an insurance company could fall to £4 billion this year, which would be approximately half the level of 2008, according to a report published today by London-based actuarial consultancy Lane Clark &…
Foreign exchange
Calm and considered
UK banks respond to Cebs criticism
The British Bankers' Association says its members should be able to speed up disclosure and supervisory reporting, after European regulators criticised the delayed and obscure reports issued by many European banks.
Regulators review short-selling restrictions
Regulators from across the globe continue to review and adjust short-selling restrictions.
Investigating parameter risk for Solvency II and ICAS
Technical papers
Steering solvency
Regulator Q&A
Product performance
Product performance
Launch of Indian Bullion Market Association
The Indian Bullion Market Association (IBMA), a national level body representing the Indian bullion trade and industry, was launched today in alliance with Mumbai-based National Spot Exchange (NSEL.)
Blossoming interest
Foreign exchange derivatives trading levels suffered declines this year as hedge funds and other players partly stepped back from the market. But the asset class remains liquid and is attracting a new breed of market participants. Hardeep Dhillon reports
Liquidity attracts investors to forex markets
Investors are increasingly turning to foreign exchange markets in search of liquidity and diversity, bankers say.