CBOE rights debate could be overcome
A major impediment to the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s (CBOE) planned demutualisation could be overcome by a settlement it presented to its members on June 2.
Weather derivatives trading increases 35% year on year
Trading volumes of weather derivatives have increased 35% year on year, according to a survey by the Weather Risk Management Association (WRMA).
ICE buys Creditex in bid to access lucrative CDS market
The IntercontinentalExchange (Ice) has agreed to aquire credit derivatives interdealer-broker Creditex in a deal worth $625 million, in an attempt to gain a foothold in the burgeoning credit default swaps (CDS) market.
Falling short
130/30 funds
Oil and water do mix
Hedges are growing greener
Opportunities for hedge funds in traditional energy markets are not as common as a few years ago. As a result, some hedge funds are turning to green energy markets in search of price anomalies and arbitrage opportunities, William Rhode discovers…
Russian towards success
Founded in 2000, Lukoil International Trading & Supply Company (Litasco) has become one of the world's leading oil and products traders. Gati Al-Jebouri, CEO of Litasco, tells Roderick Bruce about his company role
The great property price panacea
Property Derivatives
Vicious circles
Risk Management
Q&A: Laurent Paulhac & Robin Ross
After the Chicago Mercatile Exchange's recent acquisition of market data provider CMA, Laurent Paulhac of CMA and Robin Ross of CME Group talk about how the CDS market may change in the aftermath of the credit crisis
Column: Nigel Rendell
Recent EU members are finding that adopting the euro is a trickier process than anticipated.
M&G - Fundamental truths
M&G's steady, conservative investment style during the years leading up to 2007 may have resulted in solid, if unspectacular, returns, but this methodical approach has served the firm well during the credit crisis. Rather like the proverbial tortoise, M…
Unite and conquer
An inflated Risk
Dutch Pensions
On the cost of regulation under Solvency II
Technical papers
Banking on transparency
Index Interview
Bridging troubled waters
Getting the measure of indexes
Prices pose challenge for CFTC
The formation of the CFTC's new energy markets advisory committee (EMAC) has proven to be timely. David Watkins reports
On thin ice
Counterparty Risk