Central banks

Knowledge is power

The first year of European carbon trading came to a bumpy end in May. But now the market finally has hard data about emissions, the ride should get smoother. Oliver Holtaway reports

Ramon Maronilla

Asian local currency bond markets have tripled in size since 1997. Ramon Maronilla, product engineer at State Street Global Advisors in Hong Kong, outlines the steps being taken by Asian governments to promote further growth

Women in credit

Credit magazine profiles 50 top-achievers working in the global credit markets today

Building a market for credit options

Calls to improve efficiency in credit options trading are intensifying as the market continues to mature. Hardeep Dhillon looks at a recent initiative by Icap which brought together market participants to discuss dealers' proposals

Abstract assets

Securitisation based on new, previously unexploited assets, is a growth industry, expected to double in size by the end of 2006. Sarfraz Thind reports on how issuers are getting smarter at applying existing tools to new areas

The real rocket scientists

As US space agency Nasa overhauls its risk management practices in preparation for a return to the Moon, Alexander Campbell looks at its new operational risk system

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