Central banks
Made in Malaysia
Islamic products
CDO managers under scrutiny
Collateralised debt obligation
Where credit's due
Japan's public sector
Raising the stakes
Second generation
In the shadows
Counterparty Credit Risk
Unthinkably favourable
Imagination in stress testing demands unorthodox thinking, as even seemingly favourable events can have negative consequences. In the case of the oil markets, this means stress testing for a fall, as well as a rise, in oil prices, argues David Rowe
The pipeline cleaner
Chris Whitman, group treasurer of Deutsche Bank, talks to Alexander Campbell about maintaining bank liquidity
Cato fellow calls for central bank cull
New paper on cutting the number of central banks
FSF warns of hedge fund risks
The growth of the hedge fund industry is hindering risk management and valuation processes and is putting margins under pressure, says a report by the Financial Stability Forum (FSF), issued on Friday (May 18).
FSF calls for action on hedge funds
FSF makes recommendations on hedge funds
BIS publishes OTC derivatives market report
BIS: CDS growth still strong
Fed vice-chair outlines views on financial stability and policy
Fed: Credit derivatives have been boon, liquidity events pose risk
Bernanke opines on credit derivatives
Fed chairman discusses role of regulators in credit derivatives
Key Indian banks implement Basel II ahead of time
The State Bank of India gets ready to preempt Basel II
Indian Central Bank: migration to Basel II by next spring
India's central bank gives deadlines for Basel compliance
Broken joints
Moody's Investors Service's determination to change its rating approach, and its subsequent decision to revise its controversial joint default analysis methodology, has left the agency's reputation in tatters.
A flawed structure
Rising default rates in the US subprime mortgage market have caused serious difficulties for lenders, with some filing for bankruptcy. Regulators have demanded a tightening of underwriting standards, but bankers say other factors were also at play.