Central banks
Opportunity knocks
Distressed debt
A light touch
Looking to beat the backlog
Special Report: Electronic trading - Trade confirmation
Proxy-hedging problems
Taiwanese insurers
AML technology spend continues
US reforms mean more bailouts and centralised power
Plans to reform US financial services oversight will open the way for more bailouts of financial companies and more centralised regulation.
Bank of Russia and ECB announce joint banking supervision initiative
Daily news headlines
Fed will support securities market directly
The US Federal Reserve Bank will start backing primary securities dealers as well as banks through its discount in another attempt to stave off a general financial collapse, it announced yesterday.
JP Morgan buys Bear Stearns after receiving Fed guarantee
JP Morgan, the middleman in the Federal Reserve's discount-window attempt to prop up Bear Stearns on Friday, will buy the troubled bank at a knockdown price.
Fed bails out Bear Stearns
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has stepped in to prevent insolvency at Bear Stearns, offering to provide liquidity through JP Morgan.
Sovereign wealth funds spark lively debate
At the Sovereign Wealth Management conference - hosted by Central Banking Publications in London on Thursday - calls for greater transparency by sovereign wealth funds were matched by demands from the funds themselves for fair regulatory treatment.
Central banks act again to preserve liquidity
Led by the US Federal Reserve, five central banks have announced measures to improve short-term liquidity as the financial sector remains short of funding.
World Bank group launches Cat DDO
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), part of the World Bank, has announced a new loan facility designed to provide emergency finance for middle-income countries suffering natural catastrophes.
The prepay delay
Municipal natural gas prepayment deals withered in the second half of 2007 as a result of the credit crisis. While this year has seen a trickle of new deals, greater problems may be lurking. David Watkins reports
Pimco's head of MBS sees upside in illiquid markets
Value to be found in private label mortgage securities where liquidity premiums greatest, says key investor
Savings for the future
Accidental heroes
IPD has grown to become the main index provider for property derivatives. The company's story points to some of the obstacles facing this developing market, writes Rob Mannix