The credit risk time bomb
Insurers remain very keen to both guarantee and invest in credit derivatives products, but key regulators are about to release reports indicating that risk transfer between the insurance and banking sectors might not be such a good idea.
Credit’s secrets
Hedge funds
Running to stand still
S&P launches CDO analytical tool
Credit tech
House of the year and credit derivatives house of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Risk managers of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Forex derivatives house of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Regulator of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Mizuho tests Japanese CDO market
New angles
As good as gold
Corporate risk manager of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Commodity house of the year
Asia Risk Awards 2002
House of the Year – Japan
Asia Risk Awards 2002
Business continuity is a senior management responsibility says FSA
Learning the lessons
Risk’s quarterly round-up of corporate risk revelations shows that increasing shareholder and regulator expectations in the wake of US accounting scandals are having some effect on corporate disclosure, but companies still complain about losses from…
The convergence of ALM and ERM
Banks seeking a truly complete view of their exposures are beginning to seek ways to integrate the enterprise risk management systems they use for their trading books with the asset and liability management systems they use for their banking books. Clive…
Pricing debate bedevils employee option accounting
US corporates are lining up to advertise their virtue by being the latest to account for their employee stock options as an expense. But with no consensus on how to price these instruments, will it bring more clarity or confusion?