Olesya Dmitracova
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Articles by Olesya Dmitracova
Op risk’s profile rising at banks, say risk managers
Business side shows more attention and understanding
Big data gives SEC new ways to spot misconduct – Bauguess
Innovative data tools behind big SEC successes
More than words: why bank culture matters
Enforcement only part of solution to changing bank behaviour
Infographic: PPI costs wrong-foot UK banks four years on
Lloyds, Barclays, RBS and HSBC still topping up provisions
The fines don’t work: UK banks worst-behaved again in 2014
Bank fines hit £1.37 billion in 2014, a fourfold increase on previous year
Collateral damage: what HSBC's troubles mean for AMA
HSBC affair highlights a problem with modelling op risk capital
Slow down, make friends and have faith, panel tells top risk managers
CROs from top insurers spell out how to excel in their role