Joel Clark
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Articles by Joel Clark
Provisioning for the future
A growing number of regulators have highlighted dynamic provisioning as a means of lessening pro-cyclicality in the financial system. José Mar√≠a Rold√°n, director-general of banking regulation at the Banco de Espa√±a and chair of the Standards…
Buy-side battle
Central clearing has dominated the agenda of credit derivatives dealers this year. With regulators pushing for buy-side firms to have access to clearing platforms, dealers and clearing houses are finding there is a great deal of work still to be done…
Ahead of the herd
The UK Financial Services Authority will finalise its new liquidity requirements by the end of the year, but certain aspects of the proposals remain highly contentious, and the regulator has been criticised for rushing ahead of the Basel Committee, which…
Unite or fail
The European Commission is busy preparing the detail of its proposals for a new framework of financial supervision - but will national supervisors see their powers and discretion curbed? Joel Clark reports
Julie Dickson, superintendent at the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions in Canada, talks to Risk about how the country's regulatory framework has helped institutions weather the financial crisis. By Joel Clark
Too many cooks?
The financial crisis has revealed the failure of regulators to detect major threats to the stability of the financial system in advance. A number of new authorities are now emerging to monitor systemic risk, but is it possible problems could still fall…
Counterparty maze
Regulators in the US and Europe are evaluating the concept of a central trade repository for over-the-counter derivatives as a means of increasing transparency and allowing better detection of systemic weaknesses. But will they be able to overcome the…
Counterparty maze
Regulators in the US and Europe are evaluating the concept of a central trade repository for over-the-counter derivatives as a means of increasing transparency and allowing better detection of systemic weaknesses. But will they be able to overcome the…