Hope for a better future
Marketing and distribution of hedge funds in Italy remains difficult. Although the industry suffered a catastrophic fall in assets under management at the end of 2008, signs are the sector is picking up. Hedge Funds Review looks at the future of the…
Singapore fund targets Far East opportunities
The road to the formation of Republic Investment Management (RIM) was unconventional. Two factors made it happen.
Commodities key to portfolio diversification
Shaun Port, chief investment officer at Fitzwilliam Asset Management, is passionate about commodities. He has been running multi-managers since 1995 and multi-strategy funds since 2003. Commodities, he believes, should be an essential part of any…
Mixed fortunes predicted for alternative asset class ETFs
Alternative asset class exchange traded funds (ETFs) enable investors to gain simple access to alternative investment opportunities such as hedge funds, commodities, real estate or currency baskets.
Lyxor explores risk options
The Lyxor managed account platform is one of the beset ways for investors to achieve exposure to hedge funds with maximised transparency and liquidity, believes Hela Dammak, managing director, and Pierre Matussiere, managing director, family wealth…
Investors demand good investment products
There is no doubt there is a great deal of potential investment money available in the Middle East, some of which could be placed in hedge funds. Margie Lindsay looks at the prospects for managers looking to tap into the market
Iveagh leads the way for family offices
Experience and intensive analysis coupled with sound processes produce results for Iveagh
Russia cannot be ignored
Liam Halligan is a one-man cheering section for the investment opportunity in Russia. As a former Economist and Financial Times correspondent in Moscow, Halligan is far from naive or gullible. His views on the Russian economy are firmly based on economic…
Biomass project targets Scottish electricity grid
Founded in 2001 by CEO and chairman Mohammed Yusef and managing director Niall Bamford, Invicta Capital has come up with an interesting investment proposition in biomass. The latest scheme by the company, which has so far raised over £1.3 billion, is the…
Foreclosed US properties offer investment opportunities
Most people would find little value in buying portfolios of foreclosed residential property in the US. Chris Ryan, chief operating officer of Merrick Road Properties, disagrees
Recovery proves elusive for Russian Federation
Russia's plus points are becoming more difficult to discern amid ever darker economic storm clouds. With an economy and industrial sector mired in Soviet-era techniques, it is difficult to see the upside.
Comfort in managed accounts
Various surveys show a significant number of investors are seriously considering putting at least a proportion of their investments through managed accounts. Hedge Funds Review weighs the pros and cons.
Index performance analysis gives strategy perspective
In a recent report (V Le Sourd, February 2009, Hedge Fund Performance in 2008, EDHEC Publication) an analysis of 12 years of data on EDHEC Alternative I for different hedge fund strategies provided some perspective on their performance.
Hedge funds face hurdles to reach investors in Nordic region
While there is some acceptance of hedge funds by investors in the Nordic region, funds face considerable obstacles in marketing to high net worth individuals as well as institutions. A tendency by governments to 'protect' investors has hindered…
Passage to India proves difficult
Hedge funds are struggling to break into the Indian market. While many believe the dramatic fall in the Bombay Stock Exchange in 2008 will push more investors towards hedge funds, significant obstacles block their way, reports Stephen Quigley
Japan presents tough environment for hedge funds seeking investment
Although Japanese investors appear keen to invest in hedge funds, the environment for selling products in the country is difficult and highly regulated. Hedge Funds Review explores the challenges facing funds seeking Japanese investors.
Funds face tough climate as investor confidence wanes
Will investors regain confidence in hedge funds and requests for redemptions reverse?
Challenges abound in 2009
Everyone agrees that 2009 will be a challenge. Just how different the financial markets and overall environment will be for hedge funds is an open question. Some of the leading figures in the industry tell Hedge Funds Review reporters what they foresee