A life offshore need not be so taxing
tax efficiency
The T. ROWE method
Impetus from overseas
End of a drought?
Corporate issuers
Russia out in the cold
UBS, Willis Group Holding, Berkshire Hathaway (General Re)
How to snare a big fish
institutional investment
Gartmore growth heads for the stars
While Gartmore may be known best for its star manager Roger Guy and sales head Martin Phipps, it has sought out other stars to boost its team and array of funds
Challenges brewing
Corporate profiles
Synthetic structures
Synthetic CDOs
The debate over ultra-long credit
focus: 50-year bonds
Plugging the pensions gap
pension reform
Greg Peters
Credit risk stress tests need more work, says BIS
Leading banks have yet to develop a solid framework for credit risk stress tests that deals with all the likely effects stress events would have on their businesses, according to the latest report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
CPPI strategies back in vogue
Special report: France
The great swap market stand-off
Cover story
Go west, young Griffin
London's Griffin Capital Management has expanded its Eastern European hedge fund focus with a Western European portfolio that has returned 12.3% net in its first eight months
Hall of FAME
hall of fame
CDOs The growth of structured credit
cdo market
The value of VAR
IAS 39
German banks get to grips with a new lending reality
Removal of state guarantees and pressure from shareholders for better returns means German banks can no longer churn out uneconomically priced loans to clients. Now they are starting to introduce sophisticated loan pricing systems, writes Duncan Wood